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I wake up to the sound of my front door slaming. I look to my alarm clock. "What the hell.." My voice was a raspy whisper from last night. "Who the fuck would be coming in here at 2 in the fucking morning, I say out loud to myself. I guess you could say I was in a bad mood. Josh is such a dick. Why do I put up with him? "Because you love him." "Don't you think I know that?" "Well, you asked." "It was retorical." My subconscious is such a bitch.

As I'm trying to get my mind off of Josh, I notice heavy footsteps leading up the staircase.

That staircase.

My mind wants to travel back to the day where I practically jumped down that whole staircase, only to bite the hardwood after tripping over that damned rug. I refuse to think about the things that happened right after that. I refuse to think about how Josh broke my nose that day and... Well shit. The last thing I need is to think about that day. I'm so tired of being reminded about it and the lie I told to cover Josh's ass. I couldn't tell anyone what actually happened. I love him. Why do I love him?

I'm too exhausted to think about it anymore. I try to go back to sleep, but those damned footsteps keep getting louder by the second. Whoever they belong too is headed up the hall towards my room. Or maybe my parents' room. Their room is right next to mine. "It's just my dad. He's just getting off work late. No big deal," I thought.

I let myself calm down at that until I realize both of my parents were gone on business. My heart sank when I noticed the footsteps had stopped in front of my door. It flew open with an incredible amount of force and I'm sure my doorknob left a hole where it hit my wall. The light in the hall was on and when I saw who was standing in my doorway I could've thrown up. My nose was immediatley filled with the overwhelming stench of liquor and I felt like I was going to pass out. I could only think to say the thing that I've said way too many times before.

"Don't hurt me, Josh. Please don't hurt me."

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