Are You A Beaver?

Start from the beginning

"I thought it would be fun," Vane explained his actions.

"And you?" Blaze asked.

"Well you already know that I had to trick Alex into coming here since I didn't want to kidnap him. Unlike Lucas..." I replied.

"Yeah. She said I would find Sachiko in here, but instead I was forced into this chair and told that if I moved one inch, I was a dead man!" Alex looked scared half to death.

"You didn't have to threatened him," I scolded, but she just shrugged again. "But I also begged Lanny to come."

"She used her puppy eyes on me!" Lanny admitted.

"Doesn't matter, as long as you guys are all here," Blaze said. "Now let's get to work. I already picked out their hairstyles and looks before you caught me, but you can decide what happens to Lanny, seeing as he is your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I retorted, at the same time Lanny said I wasn't his girlfriend.

"Well then maybe you should work on making that a reality," Blaze gave us an accusing look. "Anyway! First hairstyles, then clothes. You're going to be in charge of the same people you caught and same goes for me. Got it?"

"Got it."

* * *

Everyone's hair was basically finished, except Blaze still had Avon's hair to do. He was giving her a hard time. While she was arguing with Acorn, I was setting out the clothes for my group.

"Lucas, you're wearing this," I held up a pink, sparkly ballerina dress with a fluffy tutu.

Lucas' now curled hair bobbed as he practically shouted 'no.'

"You're not going to make me where that," Lucas crossed his arms in defiance.

"Lookey here Lucas! You and everyone else are going to be wearing exactly what Blaze or I picked out for you," I poked my finger to his chest. "Unless you want to go out wearing nothing but your birthday suit! You understand!?" I said. If he crossed me there would be definite hell to pay.

Lucas gulped. "I understand," as he took the dress and changed in Blaze's closet.

I glared at Alex and Lanny."You're going to go next without any complaints. Okay?"

They nodded and soon enough all three were ready to go. Lanny was wearing a pink frilly dress and then little pigtails with pink bows topped his head. And Alex was wearing a miniskirt and a tube top (to show off his abs for Sachiko. We'll do anything to make her blush). And then his long hair was made into a French braid. Which was hiding his scar before, but now was is perfect plain view.

"I don't like my scar showing," Alex's timid voice had no confidence in it whatsoever.

I looked Alex straight in the eye. "Do you know what Sachiko said to me? No, because you weren't there. But she told me that she thinks your scar is beautiful, because it's a part of you. And she likes everything about you. It's what makes you, you. So don't be ashamed of any flaws that you think you might have."

"She really said that?" his eyes were wide with emotion

"Yes and she also said that you're eyes are breathtaking, but don't tell her that I told you that," I replied smiling.

He smiled back. Running his finger along his scar. This time without any look of discouragement.

Blaze's POV

As soon as I was done corn rowing Jasper's hair, he went and changed in his cheerleader outfit. Vane, who was done before Jasper, was ready to go. Probably because his get up was the most simple. All we had to do was straighten his hair and then he quickly put on his cat outfit. Complete with blue ears and a tail.

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