Why It All Started.

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"Oh look it's that ugly girl" I could tell that was Josh, he's the one I hate the most and his "buddy" or whatever his name is Tyler.  I sat down on a seat that was empty,  when looked up from my phone Tyler was standing there. "Hey Julia what you up to today, eating your feelings away?" I just sat there and looked at my lap, I was praying that he would just walk away.

                    *Time passed*

When the bus came to a stop I waited till everyone was off till I got off, I walked off to see my best friend Hanna waiting for me. "Hey girl how was your weekend" Hanna said with that beautiful smile of hers, "oh um... it was fine I guess." I knew she could tell somthing was bothering me then she asked, "what's up Julia you seem upset?" The bell rang before I could say anything "sorry got to get to class" then I ran inside.

As I walked into class Olivia and Jessica were laughing and looking at their phones, "Hey look it's her" I was confused they never even look my way why would they be looking at me? I walk over and see the picture they were laughing at, I couldn't believe.... why me?.. why did it have to be me..?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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