Riker nodded in understandment. "But, you do realize that if social services or anything like that were to find out if you two were to date, they'd take her away right?"

"Yea....well, she's almost 18 and that means she wouldn't have to be adopted and she can be on her own shortly. You know, but still live here."

Riker sighed and looked at the ground, "True, wait a minute. Didnt you two just NOW started getting along?"

I rolled my eyes, "Thats because when I first saw her I thought she was beautiful and I tried being hateful to her so hopefully my feelings would go away. But more just kept coming and then one night she actually stood up to me and thats when I fell for her. How she was courageous enough to stand up for herself and showed me that she doesn't care if people think negative about her. She is very confident and I love that about her."

Riker was speechless for a moment before finally speaking up, "Does she know you like her?"

I rolled my eyes, "You know, you asked WAY more questions than Rocky did." I said before me and him started laughing.

"I'm gonna take that as a no then." He said still chuckling.

Riker P.O.V.

Wow! My little brother loves a girl thats been here only for a few months. I shouldnt judge him, I started dating Angel two weeks after we met and I knew instantly that I loved her.

"Anyways...." Ross snapped me out of my thoughts. "Do you think things will work out with her and Derek?" Ross asked with hope in his eyes.

"To be honest Ross, I dont know. It could go either way, they just met. It could turn out like how I met Angel at a concert and we're happier than ever now. OR....it could turn out like with Rocky when he met that crazy preppy chick, Emily at Starbucks." I said chuckling at the end.

Ross started laughing too, "Oh yea. Remember that time when we were on tour and she kept telling him crazy made-up stories, trying to make him come back?"

I laughed again, "Yea, *in girl voice* Rocky please come back. Theres a bunch of short people with hunch backs stalking me and I think my glass doll is possessed, im soo  scared. I need you." We started laughing again. We calmed down a bit before I spoke again, "Even though we dont know if it would happen or not, I still supoort you and hope everything goes good." I patted his back before getting up to go to my room. I stopped and turned around, "Before I accidentally talk about it to the wrong person, who all knows?"

Ross looked up, "Just you and Rocky. " I nodded before going to my room.

Angela P.O.V.

After the movie, Derek took me to a little restaurant by the theater. We got a table and ordered.

"So, how did you like the movie?" Derek asked looking at me.

"Oh I loved it. It was so....romantic." I said smiling. I never really grew fond of all the really romantic movies like that. Yes, i like it when guys do romantic stuff for me. But, I just think some movies oversell it and are too predictable. He tried and it was thought that counts right? Our food came and while we ate it we talked and had a lot of laughs about random things.

Derek looked at his watch, "Oh crap! It's almost ten, I better get you home."

I looked over at him, "You dont have to bring me there exactly at ten you know."

He looked up kinda scared, "Actually I do. Your brother made it clear and he scares me so I dont want to get on his bad side." He said paying the bill and leaving a tip.

I giggled before getting up, "Whatever you say. Oh, and he's not my brother by the way. He's more of a best friend, they all are." We walked out to the car and he opened the door for me. I got in and he followed and we headed to the house.

Derek P.O.V.

We pulled in the driveway with 5 minutes to spare. Thank God!!! I walked her up to the door and she turned towards me.

"I had a great night tonight. It was fun." She said smiling. I smiled to and leaned in to kiss her before seeing the blonde from before through the corner of my eye in the window. This time he was with an older blonde and they glared at me while shaking their heads no.

I leaned back and smiled, giving her a nervous chuckle. "I'm glad you did, I better get going." I jogged to my car and looked back at her. I waved receiving a giggle and a wave back from her. She went in the house so I got in the car and drove off.

In the middle of the drive, my phone went off so I answered it. "Yea"......"she doesnt expect a thing"........."I thought you said she was......."............"Alright I'll do my best"..........."Bye" I put my phone away as I smirked driving back to my place.




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