The Hunter Exam

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(Y/N)'s pov

        The elevator doors opened to reveal a large room with lots of people inside. A bean-shaped person approached me as I stepped out, "Here is your tag please keep it visible at all times." He says giving me a pin with 100 on it, I pin it to the right side of my shirt after thanking him. "I want a pin too!" Hikari whined puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms as she floated to the side of my head, "Even if you did get one it would be too big for you." Haru told her, "So? I still want one!" Hikari exclaimed grumpily. "OK, ok no fighting you two we just got here." I whispered to the two charas who were giving each other dirty looks, "*sigh* Why can't you two be more like Hinata." I whisper referring to the sleeping chara atop my head. "Who would want to be like her she's so soft!" Hikari remarked. I shushed her because if she kept shouting like that she would wake Hinata up and trust me you don't want to do that. "Let's just take a look around. " I say a leaf pin appears in my hair as we begin to walk around.

        A fat, old looking guy approaches us and greets me cheerfully, "Hey you must be a rookie. My name is Tompa." We stare at him for a minute before I reply hesitantly, "Hello it's nice to meet you Tonpa-san. My name is (y/n)." I give a small strained polite smile. "What is this guy? A pedophile or something?" Hikari says in a disgusted voice. I muffle my laugh and Tompa gives me a look but then continues talking "If you need any help just come to me. Oh, how about a drink to celebrate our meeting." he says holding a can of juice to my face. I take it hesitantly and just stare at the can. "His eagerness is making me sick! Just what kind of drugs did he put in this!" Hikari exclaims looking at the can while shuddering "Probably sedatives." Haru said while examining the can making me shudder and Hikari growl. "Thanks for the drink Tonpa-san." I rushed out before walking away quickly. When we got far enough away from him Hinata flew off the top of my head having awoken due to our quick getaway, "So what are you going to do with this?" She asks curiously poking the can, " Probably use it as a poison if need be." I say shrugging and putting it away.

        We continued to look around for anything interesting weaving through people when suddenly we felt a malicious aura from behind us. We froze turning around slowly at the same time. We tensed up further when we saw a clown smirking at us, his eyes felt like they were boring into our souls. Our curls were shaking in fright, then the clown guy's smirk grew wider and he licked his lips, "Kyyyaaaahhhh! ITS A PEDOPHILE !!!!!" Hinata, Hikari and Haru screamed in unison, we turned around and sped off in the opposite direction dodging through the mass of people.

        When we were on the other side of the room we stopped to catch our breaths. "I *huff* take back what I said about that Tompa guy *huff* he isn't a pedophile *huff* at all " Hikari says between pants " Yeah *huff* he isn't nearly as *huff* creepy as that. *huff*" Haru says. We continue exploring cautiously after catching our breath when we see a boy with white hair who looks to be around my age "Oh no it's a kid! We've got to hide before he sees us!" Hinata exclaims flying into my bag. "Aaawww! I wanted to keep exploring." Haru says pouting as she follows after Hinata. "Tch! He better not be another one of those nosey guardians." Hikari grumbles following after the others. "*sigh* And here I thought we would have been able to spend more time together." I mutter under my breath as said boy turns to look straight into my eyes, 'His eyes are such a pretty blue.' I think as we stare at each other. He breaks eye contact to look around me as if expecting to see someone then shakes his head and turns back as he disappears into the crowd of people.

Killua's pov

        I heard some voices that sounded like children my age so I looked around for them my eyes locking onto a pair of purple ones. 'Beautiful, just like charoite.' I think before studying the person those jewels belong to. 'She is probably one of the voices I heard.' I looked away from her eyes to look around but didn't see anyone else. 'But I am sure I heard more than one person.' I think as I shook my head before continuing to walking around.

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