Skeleton and Sicentists

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Female voice- long ago two races ruled the earth, humans and day, war broke out between the two races, after a long battle humans where victories, and sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. Many years later...
Legend says that those who climb the mountain never return-
Me- Woah woah! What are you doing!
Female voice- Ummm.... introducing the story... like you told me...
Me- No, you sending them to mount ebot! I told you not to do that!!
Me- Sigh just give me the book.... sorry about that.. anyway, yeah that's how that goes, but in this story, my characters aren't underground just yet, Instead they'll actually be on the surface, and then end up in the mountain.

End of chapter
Wubba lubba dub dub!! biatch!!!!
Haha jk,

No ones POV:
The man looked at the little skeleton monster that was in the tube, she or he was asleep, and has been asleep for years now. The man looked at the charts, apparently, this monster was extremely dangerous

Has magic; to lift objects (as well as people), fight without magic and with magic, bones are harder than human bones yet still breakable, eyes glow a warm gold color, I advise anyone who is the next scientist to never release this beast from the test tube, for as long as it is awake, it will cause havoc.

The man looked away from the notes and back at the skeleton monster in the tube. He had experience experimenting on animals and bacteria, but never on a monster. He was...afraid. The word for what he felt is not found in the mind of anyone. But he didn't need to feel anything for this...this monster! Right?... well he just ignored it for now, he walked away from the test tube, and left the lab back to his house, which wasn't that far if I may add. Once inside his house the man went to his desk and started writing, and in the morning he gave his writing to the newspaper employees to put on the newspaper. Soon many people had gotten his note

Hello dear reader,
I am in need of assistance in my lab, my assistant is needed to be extremely intelligent and willing to put ones life over others, or even the other way around, a warning being my assistant is not going to be easy, I am dealing with something that anyone has yet to see, and another, that once you become my assistant you may never leave. You are to stay in the lab taking care of things, and you will probably not see your family or loved ones again. I do not care wether you are male or female, but I do need someone who will follow orders and put up with many hard tasks. So if you wish to join me as my assistant, then please meet me at William meadow under the willow. Thank you for reading.

There where many people who wished to become his assistant, but not all wanted to leave their family behind and never see them again. When the scientist went to William meadow under the willow tree, there where only, a hand full of people where there. The scientist did interviews, only 7 people did well but he only need one.

1: Julian;
"Um my name is Julian and I am 15 years old, I'm actually kinda smart in my class, but I still really don't pay attention-"

2: Rachel
"Well... I dissected a frog before..

3: Elijah
"I love math"

4: Anna
"I wanna get away from my family, and get a job.."
Intriguing...but fail.

5: Jesse
"I like science, and when I saw this on the newspaper, my parents where exited and dropped me off here, but it's cool I really didn't like my family anyway you know how parents are-"
Sigh* annoying... will not stop talking... has no brain... fail..

6: Kevin
"Um, my name is Kevin, I'm 17 years old, I have all A's in all my classes, science is my top priority, I have dissected many animals, and have medical care, I believe I am capable of manufacturing and Hotwire" he said proudly
"Hmm, how about your family?" The scientist asked
"Honestly, I really am going to miss them if I get this job.."
Hmm... he is well capable of being my assistant.. he will be useful.. he passes.. for now...
The man looked at the 6 people, he was about to excuse them but there was a late comer
"A-am I late?!" Said a breathless woman the scientist sighed asked the woman to introduce herself.

Late girl #7 name: Maria cali Hamada
"Hi my name is Maria Cali Hamada I'm 25 years old and I have already passed college, it was hard tho, I have experience in Genetic engineering, dissection, I solve puzzles, but i love jokes as well, I really don't have to worry about my family because there all all dead... yup... umm, huge car accident, it was terrible and there was lots of blood, I just got over there death a few days ago, they all died two years ago, so I don't really care a lot about my life-"
"Your willing to risk your life?"
"Yeah I guess but I won't risk my life for something stupid, like helping a baby bird from a dog, or jump a Bridge for an enemy, I love reading, and I write story's-"
"You can take notes that good.."
"Yup.. "
"How about health?"
"Umm, I actually worked as a nurse, for a while but when I couldn't save my family I kinda just...stoped, but I think I can still do a good job"
"Hmm good"
This woman is good, but that other young man... Kevin, he is also good I have made a choice.... more or less..
" alright.. I have chosen Kevin and Maria, but I only need one... you two will come tomorrow and I will tell you my decision" both nodded and all of the where excused.
The next day Maria and the scientist were the only ones there.
"Where is Kevin?" The scientist asked
"I don't know?... maybe he woke up late.."
"I told him to meet me here.. I know that he would show up unless it was something important-"
"Then maybe it was something important! He'll come..." but he never came, instead a woman came, she looked a lot like Kevin.
"Hello, I'm Kevin's twin sister, I'm he told me to come here, he can't make it, there was an incident and he's at the hospital, I'm sorry.." the teen rubbed her head
"It is alright, thank you for telling me." The scientist said and the girl walked away "looks like your my new assistant."
"Wow, cool" she smiled "by the way my name is Maria!"
"Yes, I know you told me yesterday" the scientist rolled his eyes
"Yes, but you didn't tell me you name.. how old are you?" The man was silent for a moment, then sighed
"I'm 25... And..My name is Wade Dylan, but most people just call me grey..."
"Great! Why do they call you grey? Is that your favorite color?!" Maria smiled
"No.... it is because, it is short for "grey man"...."
"...oh...well... I thought it was because of that grey strip you have on your hair!"
"Then you thought wrong" wade said
"Party pooper.." Maria pouted
"Well, time to crash this party and go." Wade walked away
" did you just make a joke?! Yes!! I'm already warming up to you!!" Maria smiled and followed him.
"Maria was it? How much do you know about magic?" Wade asked as he opened his lab door.
"I've heard many things about magic, I've never really seen magic with my own eyes.. but I do believe it exists! Why?" Maria asked
"Because once you enter my lab, your world will no longer be the same." Wade walked in and Maria following close behind. The door closed behind her as they walked down stairs.
"So what will we be working on?" She asked as she started to see some light.
"We, will be working with dissection, and magic." Wade said and Maria stared up. "This is subject number one, he... or she will be our test, we are to find out as much as we can about this... monster"
"I~... js....cid..." she whispered as her body shook, Wade looked at her coldly, he knew what was going to happen..
"Repeat that again.." he said coldly
"I-It's...just..a child...why would you want to experiment on a child?!"
"Maria, I don't care for monsters.. and neither should you, getting to attached will lead to deviation.. and pain.."
"....yes...I know.." Maria looked down in sadness
"Good, now I need you to take notes on this skeleton, find out what you can, while it's inside, this we will remove it from the tube, it will still be unconscious, hopefully.."
"Yes, Doctor. G..."
"....Doctor G?...."
"Yeah well I need I nickname for you... people call you grey... so I'll call you doctor g!"
"How about Doc?"
"Then what should I call you?!?!?!"
"Sir!! Call me sir!!" He yelled and stormed off
"Alright, Sir G!!"


Yeah! Awesome! I'm awesome and funny!

Ps the pic on top is Maria!!


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