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"How would you describe Harry?"

"How would I describe Harry, uhhhm..." Zayn scratched the back of his neck and shifted in his seat so that he was in a more comfortable position. "He's very genuine. What you see is what you get. There's no airs and graces about him, y'know?"

"Your best friend."

"Yea." Zayn cracked a smile. "He's great. He's funny, super nice to like, everyone."

"You guys became fast friends?"

"Well, yea. Like I said, he's nice to everyone. When we met and got to chatting, it was like we had known each other for years. Like, I'm not the most extroverted person so I don't really just put myself out there and just make friends as easily as he does. We're also similar in some of things we do, how we were raised, what we like."

"Do you miss him?"

"... Yea. I do."

"What do you miss?"

"Our friendship. All of it. How we met, became friends, learnt things about each other at like, two in the morning when neither of us could go to sleep." Zayn cleared his throat when he realised just how deep in his feelings he was becoming.

I missed so much about Harry.

His eyes
His smile
His dimples
His laugh

How he would wrap his arms around my waist so securely and bury his face into my neck. The late night conversations we would have... How those same conversations led to our first kiss.

We laid on my hotel room floor with pillows surrounding us. We had had a long day and just wanted to have a quiet night before we both went to bed.

We loved talking to each other about anything and everything. At one point we could be talking about utter nonsense, laughing until tears formed in Harry's eyes and my stomach tightened. Another time we could exchange soft whispers about the meaning life and the universe and delve into the depths of our mind that no one else was allowed entry into besides each other.

After our laughter had died down, Harry turned to look at me. My eyes remained glued to the ceiling until I felt his pair of green eyes on me.

I turned and smiled at Harry who returned it. A comfortable silence now hung around us.

Harry's hands were intertwined together on his chest. His thumbs gently pushing against each other.

He inched ever so slightly towards me and I found myself mimicking his moves. Our eyes stayed glued to each others'. Green and Gold, watching as if everything was in slow motion, only taking a second to glance down at the slightly parted pink lips that awaited the touch of the other.

It's a soft and gentle peck. Harry's eyes immediately shut as soon as our lips lock while I kept mine open a bit longer.. just looking at the sight before me before my eyes gently flutter closed.

It was your cliché first kiss. Tentative. Testing the waters type thing, but very nice.

"What was that for?" Zayn asked and Harry shrugged.

"Just ... felt like kissing you." Harry whispered back honestly.

We both found the other insanely good looking, very intriguing, very nice and easy to get along with.

Over time, the kissing got more frequent but stayed at the same pace. Slow and innocent. Until one night when alcohol got involved.

"I just want to kiss your face." Harry mumbled into Zayn's ear and stroked his thigh in the car.

I Won't Mind ↠ zarry (One Shot)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat