Chapter 1

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Aaliyah's POV

"Ahhh fuck!" I scream. "Damn, morning sex is the best." I purr as I'm on the verge of my 4th orgasm. Derek has been really clingy since the last time he has seen me 6 months ago. I don't know why he left but apparently we were still dating that time so if I did anything he wouldn't like, he would rip my head off, literally.

After we are both over our climax, we get up to take a shower.  Since we are already naked, we step in the shower, turn on the water, and lather soap onto our bodies. "So, did you miss me while I was gone?" Derek asks with a raised eyebrow. "Of course I did, every second of everyday," I cooed in his ear. "Good, well now that I'm back, this gives us time to find a job," he says. "Uhh, yea of course," I struggle to say as I wash shampoo out of my hair.

There's a quick silence before I feel a pair of hands running up and down my waist. "We aren't having sex again Derek we need to get to class on time in an hour," I say before he can go any further. "Just really quick babe please," he begs. "Nope," I reply quickly. After I'm finished taking a shower and trying to get Derek's hands off of me, I put on my favorite gray sweater, my black ripped jeans that I found randomly in my closet, and my black vans. 

I do my makeup, grab my book bag by the door and yell, "I'm in the car!" "I'm right behind you!" he calls back grabbing two apples from the kitchen. I live in a house with my best friend, Ashley, and the best part is, is that it's not so far from school.

Since an apple wasn't enough to last me for the morning, I walk to the cafeteria to get coffee and a muffin. While waiting for my coffee to be made, a pair of hands cover my eyes and said, "Guess who?" "Hmm.. let me guess, is it Derek?" I laugh jokingly. "Ok that's hurtful considering you just watched him walk away from you just a couple seconds ago and that I sound like I have a mans voice to you," my roommate pouts.

I laugh harder giving Ashley a hug. "Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!" I squeal. "The house has been so lonely while you were gone this summer," I say. "I missed you too and I can only imagine how much you must have missed me," she flips her hair jokingly.

We laugh over silly things from summer while we walk and I sip my coffee and take bites of my muffin. "I'll see you next period Ally," she calls me for short. "Bye Ash," we split ways and I reach my 1st period class. "Your late. I don't appreciate students being late to my class. Lets see.." he scoffs, scanning his clipboard.

"Since Tyler is the only person I haven't paired with anyone, you can pair up with him. 4th row, last seat in the back," my professor says. Looking at the boy that takes a flew glances at me and waves his hand, I take the seat and introduce myself to him so that we can get on with the project.

"Aaliyah, I think that we should-, are you even paying attention?" Tyler asks. "Uhm ya, I'm paying attention," I lie through my teeth. All I can think about is an excuse as to why I can't look for jobs with Derek. I obviously can't tell him that I have a job already. 'No go ahead sweetheart, just tell him that you're a stripper that grinds on people for money. He even gets jealous when male cashiers touch your hand when they give you your change,' my subconscious speaks. I roll my eyes and zone out as my phone vibrates in my pocket and I check to see who it is.

Louis POV

I enter class thirty minutes late with a smart ass remark from my sociology teacher. "These kids are late and it's just the first day," he looks up at the ceiling. "You can take a seat, right there," he says pointing at the front of the classroom. I roll my eyes at the fact that he doesn't even know who I am and his very poor, taste in style of what he calls fashionable 'clothes'.  Giving him no acknowledgement, I take a seat in the back of the class next to this girl that I plan on banging later in the bathroom next period.

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