Three New Dresses - Pages 43-44

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it's bad enough

that they know it

outside themselves

they shouldn't feel it


scratching beneath

eyelids that beg for


or count on it


red letter tattoos

on their pelvic bones

they slept while

unthinkable words

in foreign accents


'washing dresses

packing boxes

fighting dust

is your debt'

As if choosing

a meal for them

first, and waiting

a week for a slice

of bread to own

was my admission

my acceptance

of a penance

to gods I don't know

I don't care anything

for your gods

or your good markets

of fine forks

smarter books

pretty dresses

or any of your other


of salvation

you left me then

called me

roadkill, seasoned

with black salt

rubbed me with


and roared a laugh

as my bones

crackled on the fire

and the juices

of who I used to be

sizzled into

drippings for better

or worse gravy

you called on friends

made me

an open invitation

already slaughtered

and turned my

insides to the world

as if I were gone


was always good


to pull the strings

the sinews once

stitched like dignity

when I was a quilt

you make yourself


consequences are

like arrows

have bullseyes

but stabbed animals

splatter real blood

across kitchens

and baskets

of new dresses

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