the road that lead to now..

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Shayanne is a young single mum that has had a rough ride through life.. Rolling from what dramatic disaster to another naturally she spiralled into a lonely crippling depression she struggled to face day to day alone.. Accepting the fact that she isn't meant to be accepted into society or for some reason she was impossible to be liked.. Was at rock bottom with no self esteem left to drag her forward... She made many friends who seemed to genuinely care.. Till she thrown her all into making them a part of her life.. Resulting in rejection and badly treated time and time again... Alongside a string of failed attempts at relationship.. Something she always felt necessary to succeed in life.. Which repeatedly ended in tears, trust issues and been treated like a mug/doormat/piece of shit.. Resulting in 3 beautiful little lives that luckily came from this that gave her the strength to carry on.. Even if it meant flying solo.. The only thing she felt was something she could class as a success..

The constant string of shit she called her life to date had unknown to her caused more damage than she could see.. She was aware her personality and social urge compared to the excitement of a lactose intolerant slug, a career plan off a toddler and her overall capability to survive in general human surrounding or be within 10 miles of another person this so she believed was the worst it got.. With her phobia of communication causing way more damage then she could ever see.. And with no caring anybody in her life to guide, advise or even give her the heads up.. The reality of her daily struggle with her own inner deamons with no one to help... Especially when she had 6 other demons battling with her life.. And they fought against each other and controlled her with such strength.. She had no idea what was going on with her Mind.. The egos controlled her and she was powerless to fight back.. The terrifying truth was that as she battled each different personality, each with their own completely unique persona as they projected themselves through her body. With no warning or no way of stopping them... To watch one person flit through a range of different personalities, each taking on their own speach, manarisms and behaviour patterns.. They were uncontrollable... As she struggled in her isolate world raising her children best she could... Her secret wouldn't go unnoticed forever...

terrors of the mindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora