Chapter 3

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Walking out of the office with Demi I got a few dirty looks from some of the girls, and some smiles from others,when we reached the car I stood there cofused should I go to the back or the front. Demi noticed me a little confused so she spoke up ' you can sit in the front your old enough' ' oh okay ' I spoke up 

-After the car ride 

When demi pulled over with the car e were standing infront of a huge house it was truly stunning' so do you like your new home ' Demi asked me sweetly ' Yea I love it it's huge ' I answered ' great we can see the house later,right now Mark your new body guard  will take your stuff to your room and we have to go to X-factor stadium because Simon ,Nicole and I have some discusiing to do with who are we choosing to be our students and it will take a while but you will be able to help okay ? ' Demi asked me.I can't believe I'm meeting Simon Cowell , I always wanted to get signed by him. 'YEA sure let's go I hopped into the car .

- After the car drive-

Were finally here I can't wait to meet everyone ' okay so you can go sit on the stage and we will be discusing things where the judges sit okay ? and when were done I'll introduse you to everyone okay ' Demi asked me kindly '' okay sure ,Demi led me to the stage, there was a grand piano probably from the last audition .Demi told me to sit on it and play on her phone for a while , while she was working with Nicole and Simon ,she also said I can mess around with the piano if I'm board .So while they are talking I sat on the bench and started playing and singing lightly to what I was playing .

If I ...

Should stay 

I would only be in your way .

So I'll go but I know I'll think of you of you every step of the way .

And I will always love you. I will always love you . you my darling you mmm

(A/N sorry I know you dont want to read the hole song lyrics but the song is I will always love you by Whitney Huston )

I finished the song lightly . And stared at the piano for a while then I said ' Hey demi can I-OH  sorry not to be rude or anything but why are you all staring at me with wide eyes do I have something on my face ' I asked because all three of them were staring at me and not talking it's so awkward ' oh um Hello your Emma right ? ' Simon asked me ' Ello yes I'm Emma ' I answered awkwardly ' Demi told us about your singing talent but I never tought your that good I'd say you sang better than Whitney herself.Could you come to modest records tommorow at 12:00. I would like to talk to you if that's okay ' Simon asked me I blushed ' YEAH okay now could I pleasego for a walk around the hall ' I asked. Demi just nodded then I just left for a walk 

(A/N Thank you for reading This means  LOT to me sorry if there are many mistakes I'm not the best at grammar so again if you would like you can always give me ideas whats going to happen next in the story and Again who ever is reading my story I would want to bring one direction into it and I just want to know does everyone like one direction who is reading 

okay I have to go bye bye love you all 


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