We were in the basement the night before my day back to school, watching some stupid movie he picked when I felt him reach for my hand. He interlaced our fingers and butterflies instantly fluttered in my stomach at his touch. I stared at our hands for a moment and when he squeezed it for reassurance, I jumped.

He was laughing when I looked up at him but his eyes were unsure, as if he didn't know that my stomach was going completely nuts in this moment. I gave him a smile and squeezed his hand back and he relaxed back into the couch.

Focusing back on the TV Colin brought our hands onto his lap where he kept it while creating circles into the back of hand. I smiled at his gentle touch and leaned my head on his shoulder as I watched the movie, but I couldn't fully focus on the movie anymore.

The next morning I was getting ready when Hannah came into my room to help me get dressed, "You look so beautiful." She told me as she finished.

"Thanks." I blushed.

Once we finished in my bedroom she helped me down the stairs. I could hear the rest of my family in the kitchen talking adamantly about how they were going to spend the break.

"Kat!" My mother smiled brightly as she rushed to my side to help me to my seat, "We should have gotten you crutches." She shook her head with a sigh.

"It's fine, I only have two weeks left with this on anyway. And when I get the boot I'll be able to walk again." I told her as I grabbed a muffin off the plate and started to eat.

"Do you need a ride to school?" Hannah asked, "Bradley and his brothers are picking me up if want to squeeze in with us."

"Where are Chris and Tommy?" I asked quickly, "I didn't really want to be a burden on Bradley or his brothers.

"Running, Tommy took my shift for patrol this morning." My mother told me from the counter where she was plating more muffins. "I'm not sure if they'll be back before school starts but I could give you a ride baby."

Rolling my eyes I pushed my muffin away, "That's alright. I'm just going to hop." It'd be less embarrassing for sure but considering I can barley hop for ten minutes straight I wouldn't even make it to school before my legs gave out.

"Don't be silly." My mother laughed as she rinsed her hands under the skin and drying them on the towel, "I'll get my keys."

Sighing I got up and hopped to the front door which is where Hannah had left my backpack. Throwing open the door I made my way to the steps of the porch when I heard the honking of a car and the slamming of a door.

"Kat!" Bradley's excited voice greeted me as I looked up to see him running towards me. "All prepared for the big day? Hannah says you're doing really well, so I'm glad."

"Thanks Bradley." I told him and forced a small smile, "I'm actually looking forward to today."

"You would." He laughed as Hannah came skipping onto the porch, "Hey, Hannah."

"Hey," She smiled at him and turned to me, "Are you sure you don't want to ride with us, we'll make room."

"We can put Paul in the trunk, he won't mind." Bradley offered and I found a foreign smile on my face, one that wasn't because of my family or Colin. One that happened naturally with someone who I wasn't that close too. Maybe I was sick?

Hannah hit his shoulder and huffed as her eyes flickered to the nearly full car at the front of our house. This must be the name of the younger boy who was watching Hannah with intense eyes. Huh.

"But seriously, we have room." Bradley flashed another smile in my direction and I found myself looking down at my cast in contemplation when another door slammed and I looked up to see the familiar silver car.

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