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So , at last we have our song .

I would die everyday waiting for you ,

darling don't be afraid , 

i have loved you for a thousand years ,

i'll love you for a thousand more .

all along i believed that time has found us ,

time has brought your heart to me ,

i have loved you for a thousand years,

i'll love you for a thousand moreeeeee .

So , I just sang as I was typing that . haha , I feel fucking hilarious , anyways ...

your friends Gina oh my god , I swear Bryant is one sexy man whore .  If anyone takes me away from you it would be Bryant ;-)

And Court whatever the fuck her name is ... I honestly don't like her , but since she's your friend she is my .. aquantence to . I won't fight with her ... I guess ...

SO , I hope you liked your little book / letter whatever you want to call it , because you mean a lot to me gina , even if you don't notice it .

xoxo ,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2012 ⏰

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