"They're not the ones threatening us though," I pointed out.

Hoseok looks at me, pulling out the crumpled up note that we refused to show to any of the others. The note that changed the way this whole thing is going to play out.

He opens it, rereading the words that lay on it.

Hoseok and Namjoon,

You have a choice to make. One that may or may not place your loved ones in danger. One that will change your lives forever. This is your old friend Jonghyun. I'm sure you remember me right? The one who killed your parents in cold blood. The one who laughed when he saw your tear stricken faces as you both begged for me to spare their lives. Well, now I'm back, and I'm back to play. You have one of two options,

1. Betray that wretched group of yours and attack your friend, my worse enemy, Min Yoongi or

2. Watch me kill the ones you care for the most. I'm sure the first ones I'll be going for are Kim Seokjin and that unborn child.

The decision is completely up to you.


Hoseok crumpled the paper once again in frustration. We have a heavy decision to make. It was either our loved ones or the one who had given us everything. The one who was there for us since we've become friends, no since we've become a family.

I'm not sure why there's bad blood between Jonghyun and Yoongi, but I also don't get why he's having us attack him. Why is he having us do it for him? Isn't he the cold-blooded murderer who shows no remorse for his actions?

I just don't get his logic behind it all. I don't get any of it. I do know one thing, I can't have him going after Jin. I can't have him attacking my most prized possession. The one who's my entire world. The one who means everything to me. I can't have him touched in the slightest.

I look over to Hoseok to see him shaking in anger. I don't blame him in the slightest. Who wouldn't be angry about the circumstances at hand? Who wouldn't be frustrated at the situation we're in?

"This isn't fair Namjoon. Can't we take their places instead? Can't we be tortured to death instead of making a decision like this? Why do we have to go through this? Why is it us?" Hoseok's voice is quivering. He's scared. He doesn't know the outcome of the whole thing.

Chasing Lost Love (Sequel to Stay Away From Me)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें