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As i felt my legs carry me up the stairs, i heard another man come round the corner. He, like Damon, froze when he saw me too. "Hello? Have we met before?" I asked to his puzzled face. "Um, uh, no. Im Stefan."
"Im Elinor."
"I know", and with that her walked off.
"Ugh Milly! Everyone in this house is creepy as hell." I grumbeld when i got to my room.
"Oh yeah? Then come home! Im dying to see you."
"I cant..."
"Because Damon told me im staying here now."
The words didnt sound right in my head. I would never say that! Every bone in my body told me to pack up and go home but i just... couldnt. It was wierd.
"Well, um, i have to go. Bye."
"Milly! Wait!" but she had already hung up on me. Usually, when im a bit sad, i grab something to eat. So, i made my way down to the kitchen. When i came closer, i heard Damons and Stefans voices trailing into my ears.
"Does she know?" asked Stefan.
"Nope.I compelled her to stay here."
"When are we gonna tell her that we are vampires? And that shes our sister who died 160 something years ago? Or that she is the ghost girl?"
"I don know. Soon."
I ran upstairs. I wanted more than anything to just leave. To go home to Milly and my foster carer. But i couldnt do it. I sat and cried. Vampires??? They werent real! They were stories that older children told younger children to scare them. Fiction.
But somehow, for some reason, my mind kept casting back to the words Damon said. "I compelled her to stay." The words rung in my ears over and over. Everyone knows vampires can mind control people. Is that why i couldnt leave? And he said that i was there sister! that i died over 100 years ago! And that i was a ghost girl! I must be dreaming, I thought. I must. This isnt real. Im alive, Vampires dont exst and there are no such things as ghots. Just sleep it off.

Sister sister ● A tale of three SalvatoresWhere stories live. Discover now