Morning, Safe and Sound

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A/N: fine, since this this is my most popular story. I feel I need a second chapter. Thank you so much for dealing with my 2 am. Typos xD you are all amazing. I dedicate this to those people who read my work! A million thanks!!!!

Mornings light slipped through the window. Below London began to wake up. The soft morning light softly sat on Dan's hobbit hair. The two boys were frozen in time as they slept. The blankets were messy, yet somehow they were placed perfectly. Phil breathed softly into Dan's hair. The serenity was shattered by the horrible screech of a alarm clock. Originally Dan had planned this tone to be a pleasant morning wake up. Over the years of not changing it, the clock now sounded like a mad old maid. Yelling horribly in Dan's ear. Opening his eyes with a start he turned off the alarm and recollected the shattered fragments of last night. It had to have been a dream. However a warm body next to him proved him wrong. Smiling at the still sleeping Phil, he felt relaxed. All Dan could remember was a hazy reality. Something about a nightmare. Yes, a nightmare. But no Phil in the bad dream, he came when he was awake? This had to be true or why else would Phil be in his bed. It still felt like something was missing. Why was Phil In his bed. Suddenly it hit him. Phil had come in to save him from...what was it?! Ah yes! The shadow demon. But then Phil stayed and then...then Phil had kissed him? Was this reality!? Dan smiled as he looked at Phil's lips. He would remember what a kiss from Phil was like. So why not kiss Phil and see if it felt like whatever he kissed last night.
Dan turned his head at a angle as to reach Phil's lips. He leaned in and closed his eyes. This was the moment of truth. Lightly brushing Phil's hair aside he leaned in. Fireworks went off as he touched his lips to Phil's. Phil was the one he kissed! Something told Dan he wanted more. He intensified the kiss opening his mouth a little. Phil still remained asleep. He then stopped when a small voice called out.
"mnnnfff! D-dan?." Phil had woken up due to Dan's hands feverishly ruffling Phil's hair.
"hehe, good morning sunshine." Dan sleepily whispered into Phil's ear.
Then Phil had his moment of realization.
He then remembered kissing Dan. And then he remembered why he kissed Dan. Hi heart skipped a beat when he realized he was in Dan's bed. He remembered Dan cowering in his arms from fear of nightmares. He remembered Dan's warm body against his chest. Phil threw his arms around Dan and pulled him back into the covers.
"Shall we have a bit of a lay in?" Phil giggled sleepily.
"Yes, we shall." Dan whispered as he drifted back to sleep. Warm and safe in Phil's arms. And thus a new tradition formed. Whenever Dan had bad dreams. Phil would be there to help him through it, in the comfiest and warmest way. <3

So warm: a Dan x Phil fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now