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Company wasn't his sort of thing. Though people have tried. He could never be normal. He hated contact with others. You could talk to him, but he wouldn't budge. He was a breathing statue.

Tyler had his routine like many others did. He was always very conscious of his choices. He always thought about consequences and rewards. That might be the reason he stays with the same routine every day.
He believed that if everything stayed exactly the way it was, in the same order, that life would be bearable. Not exactly exciting or living up to full potential. No..

Just bearable.

So that's exactly what the brunette did. Many thought that was a horrible idea for a teenager who hasn't experienced life yet. Tyler thought it was perfectly fine.

Just fine.

That very morning, he didn't feel too well. He sat up in bed and looked ahead. He sighed out loud and rolled out of the covers. He should show up today.

He got to the bathroom and washed up. Brushed his teeth with the same toothpaste. Combed his hair the same way. Did the same thing he's done every morning.

The brunette went back to his bedroom. Getting dressed was a whole different challenge. Everything he wore seemed reveling. He always felt eyes on him. He always felt someone was staring at his body. Always felt hands covering his body. It made him sick.

He decided on black jeans and a thin long sleeve black shirt to cover the gauze he put on his arms. He looked in the mirror and still felt revealing. He put on another long sleeve along with a cream colored cardigan. He looked at himself one more time and figured it was good enough. He put on his regular black socks and shoes. As usual.

Being satisfied with sticking to the routine he's made for himself, he grabbed his bag along with his phone and notebook. He put on his headphones and made his way downstairs.

He skipped breakfast as always. Though his mother always attempts to sit him down for breakfast. He still refuses, today he managed to slip past her and out the door. He walked to school every morning.

His father always insisted taking him on his way to work but again the brunette refused. This day was different from most. He sensed a change was going to happen. Anxious he was, he kept a close eye on everything he did and what others did.

Throughout the day, he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. He noticed that every class he went to and everything he did was just fine. He didn't feel change like he predicted. That seemed to scare him the most. Not knowing what was coming next. Not being able to plan or outsmart it.

And he'll just have to live with it.

Feeling the tense anxiety that came with these thoughts, he decided to sit and read. He had two more class periods to go before he was free to go home. Though he doesn't eat lunch, he still admired the quiet time to himself.

There was a bench, out in the school courtyard. Under a tree that seemed to provide the perfect amount of shade. No one seemed to appreciate it as much as Tyler did. He sat down on the wooden seat and placed his bag down. He took a deep breath but noticed no matter how much he breathes he somehow never feels alive. It's a feeling no one deserves to ever feel, he was used to it by now. Sometimes he wonders if he was still alive. Maybe he was just a ghost in

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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