We Can't Be Together, But Can't We? (Ducas for Soccer1119)

Start from the beginning

The Next day: I was anxious and I hoped everything was good. I was called by Mr. Newman (an awesome History teacher) "Dustin Henderson if you could make your way up to the front and present your essay, alternatively I could read it out if you want me to" I smiled "no I need to do this, it's important to me". I heard Troy make a joke but I didn't care, I walked up and looked down at the paper, and suddenly when I looked up, I didn't feel so afraid.

"The Life of An OutCast. Some of us know what it's like to be an outcast, for who we love, or why we love, the mass have become sheep to the great machine of society, in a way they are slaves to our customs. The father works, the child obeys senselessly and the mother stays at home, rinse and repeat. The boy is expected to carry on the family name, one of our customs, is based on the principles of difference, physically or mentally if you are different and cannot or will not change, society deems you bad. I know a boy here, he is black, he is bullied, I know a feminine boy, he is bullied, I see a boy, he is skinny, he looks weak, he looks odd, he too is, surprise, surprise, bullied. I too am an outcast, but I am a different outcast, one shunned more than most others, one secret that could destroy my career, my life, but it can't destroy who I love. I figured that out, I was heart broken to see what society's views have done to people, they use self degrading terms, the hack and slash at their skins as a permenant... a permenant reminder of who did that to them." Suddenly Lucas got up, Mr. Newman asked him to sit down but he didn't, he walked up to me and grabbed the second page, I was done with the first.

Lucas: There is one specific set of outcast who get it worse than many others, gays, bisexual people and those who wish to be the opposite gender, I could tell you about how you hurt them but I want to you to see it yourself. I know 4 people in here who are gay, people in the closet, they hide who they are because they are afraid, of you. Think about that, you have the power to enhance and destroy someone, some of you already do without fail. Some of you are so numb that you don't help when this happens, you contribute to this, this perpetuation of harm and hurt. If I said 'gay' you would think of 'child molester' or 'pedophile'. But why do you? it's not because they are inherently dangerous to children, it's because that's what you're taught. You are ordered to color within the lines, never above and outside it. They are normal, and so are we, I am, you are, he is, she is, everyone is normal, natural... Normal, let's talk about that for a second, what makes someone normal? Society does, I am not abnormal because of my color because of the gender I love, I am me, and we are all unique in our own ways, quirks about us that you wouldn't find anywhere else here, our humor, our moods, reactions, us. No one is exactly like the next, can't we agree that is beautiful? So why is this uniqueness not okay? It's who we are, it's a part of you, me, we can't change this, neither can you.

I looked to the only 2 people who would do it a justice "can I ask that Will Byers and Michael Wheeler come up here to finish this? it's important that they do it".

They both came up amist the looks of confusion Mike took the last paper and shared it with Will. Michael started it

Michael: Throughout the history of our country we have been quick to terrorize and hurt others, the Indians, African Americans, The Japanese and so on. Here is my question, when will it end? when will we draw a line in the sand to stop ourselves and say "No! you've taken things too far, you've exposed who you are, that you're not the one that you pretend to be". We can stop ourselves, we need to, we need to before it gets too late, before people put the pieces together, to leave us because of what we've become. If you talk to a gay depressed boy you couldn't give them one reason to go outside, they feel like they'll see the same no matter how they try. They might feel worthless and want to die, or they might shroud themselves in a damaging lie. The things you do and say are the blame for the deaths of these people today, when can we call it quits? When will this war on individuality and diversity end? until there is one race united on formality and willingness to obey? I don't want to live in this America, it's a corroded building, and it's fallen into disrepair, America needs us now more than ever, let's not put off her call, we need America, and America needs us, let's go to the aid of America and help her regain her true purpose, Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Will took the paper, the last bottom half.

Will: Everyone thinks that gays are rare but they're not, you probably know one, he might have killed himself, run away without saying goodbye. He might just be hiding who he is, he needs you, depends on you, he is fragile, and your words towards another gay kid might just make him go over the edge. Let him know you love him, let him know he matters, let him know that he isn't alone, stand with him even if he gets bullied, you could save a life, his life, her life, you could make them the happiest person in existence by being there. In our society 2 decades ago there was a popular ad claiming gays were pedophiles, look at your gay best friend, hell, look at anyone, do you think they would harm you if they were gay? Or if they suddenly came out? Would the really be that different? Of course not, they are normal, lovely, beautiful in every way.

Will looked at Mike when he said that getting a couple aw's

I turned to Lucas and kissed him

Mike and Will kissed and they got some aw's, even from Troy


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