The Sun Will Set For You (Troy/Mike AU Part 3)

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Later that night I went back to the Wheeler residence and picked the basement lock, their parents were at work, I saw the schedule I planned accordingly. I made my way and turned off all the cameras and recollected all the bugs and gathered them all in the sack and left, I decided to take his diary which I came to realize also held his confession to the crime, but he was more proud about what he did, not remorseful. I altered my plan and bought another radio and hid it but turned the audio all the way up, I hid it where his journal was. I also fitted it with an electronic switch that would turn it on or lock it off. Hey I made sure those months went to something useful. I then left and was off to get dirt on Will. The last one, I arrived at his house and realized no one was there, they were probably working. I planted a bug on the inside of the room for anything useful like a conversation in person. I found the personal drawings of Will Byers. I of course looked at them and my, my, my. It seemed Will had a sense of exaggeration for the... Other appendiges of the human body, especially of Mike wheeler and Dustin Henderson, I decided to be a little nice. I took pitty on Will and gave him a copy of Mike and Dustins nude photos saying 'just between you and me bud :)' I went and skulked around and found Wills personal audio device and I played it "August 1995, November 18th I... I don't know where to begin, what about what we did to James? I keep having nightmares... About Troy killing himself... Am I to blame? All I want is Troy to beat me to a pulp for what I did, I hate myself, Mike just used me to get more out of James, Dustin too, we were the pawns and... Lucas and Mike were the kings and queens, I see it now, I wish I could go back in time, I can't believe I loved Mike, he's amonster, he's to blame, I want to get back at him but I don't know how, Dustin is too terrified to do anything because of Lucas and It would be me against all of them, I wish there was some way" I then thought about it, I reformed my plan, I wouldn't be killing, I would get Will and Dustin to help me get back at Mike and Lucas, they were the ones who conspired against me, they just followed along. I went back to the note and wrote 'do you want to get back at Mike and Lucas? convince Dustin to meet me in the forest, turn on your radio at 5:00 Yes this is necessary, also come along too, T'

I left the house and went back to mine. I would get back at him and I would use Will and Dustin, it would all be perfect, he would get all he deserved.

After school I was sitting, I heard the familiar voice of a particular Will Byers and I smirked "ah, so you saw it, I was hoping you would, did you enjoy my gifts?" He said "enough, you asked me to help you take down that... Pedophile, manipulating monster, how?" I chuckled and said "meet me in the forests with Dustin, meet me at 6:00, you have an hour, I will see you soon". I then turned off the radio and left.

1 Hour Later:

I saw 2 figures approach, I smiled, 'finally I'll make it right'. I had a mask on so I couldn't be identified incase this was a set up, they walked up to me and Dustin spoke "a-are -are you-" "no names, I want to know you won't backstab me, take off your jackets and shirts" they were both embarrassed "w-why?" I said "so I know you don't have a wire on you" they both did as they were told and Dustin even raked through his hair. I smiled and said "Dustin, Will, is it my understanding that you two were led by both Michael Wheeler and Lucas Sinclair?" they both nodded "you both should know I am wired, this is simply so I have your confession so it will... stick more" they nodded. I continued but turned off the wire "okay, now I believe you guys when you say you were manipulated, so I won't involve you, but here's what's going to need to happen, you are going to take all of the COPIES of evidence I have, to the police department, You and Dustin will only give the evidence up if you are granted immunity, then you will forfeit the evidence to the Chief, got that so far?" they nodded eagerly. I then continued "you two will then testify to the police and the court against Mike and Lucas, we'll get them locked away, are we all agreed on this?" they nodded again. Will said "yeah I can't wait for that... pedo, creep manipulator to get what he deserves!" I also added "also those... erm, pictures you got were from Lucas, he took them, and he has it still, so we can also get Lucas on that, Dustin anything else we can get Lucas on?". He had a big grin "yeah... I um... when I brought up the note left at the recording device he... he um, implied he would kill you but I don't have the audio..." I smirked and said "at least someone thought ahead" I tossed the casset to him making his head explode from confusion. I carrried on "okay, get a move on, let's also give them this" I handed them Mikes diary "the confession to everything, even the pedophilia and the... Act is on there" they were slient before I ushered them off. I got a confirmation via radio. "It's done... I'm sorry T... I speak for both me and Dustin... I wish we could make it up to you somehow... thank you" I smiled "don't- don't mention it... You doing this for me is the only thing I want, well..." "well what?" I sighed "It's stupid, nevermind" "Troy please, nothing you say is stupid, if anything is stupid it's what we did to you, please tell us" I sighed again "I... I want to be friends" I could feel his smile and I loved it "we'll be friends with you Troy, we'd love to"

Part 3 is up now and the next part is the epilogue to wrap this long... Thing up, thank you and bye-bye!

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