Chapter 2

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"The subject is getting very aggressive, sir. She attacks everyone that comes her way, using her powers or not. She's become a troublesome specimen. "

"Erase her. I don't need a broken weapon. I need someone compliant. "

"Her knowledge over her powers will disappear. It will be harder to keep them in check. "

"Find a way doctor and carry out my order or I'll find someone who can. "
"Sir, she's convulsing! "

"Keep her down!"

"Her pulse is raising! "
"How is the experiment going? "

"No complications upon her part so far, sir. She is accepting the information given to her and not questioning. She is the perfect soldier. "

"And the other one? Their interaction? "

"He's been training, or retraining her. Her muscle memory is incredible, her reflexes even without the additional improvements were over the normal ones of a human. Strength, reflexes, agility... Her ability to form plans on the spot, the assessment of the enemy... The accuracy better than one of a computer's. "

"And compared to him? "

"Equal, but it only had been a couple of days. With her strength at its fullest she could bring him to his knees faster than a bullet to the heart. "
"It's been one year Tony! " Percy yelled whirling around to face his adoptive father. "One year! And I can't find her! Every lead SHIELD had got me nowhere, Thalia and her Hunters couldn't find her, THE Hunters! The link we have is not working, I keep calling to her and she's not answering, I can't pick her feelings, an emotion, nothing! " he began to pull at his hair in frustration. Since he got her message he began to look for her, got SHIELD involved, called camp, even the Hunters. The gods didn't answer so he took everything upon himself to solve it.

He didn't sleep, he didn't eat... Most of the times Tony had to drag him to bed after he collapsed from exhaustion or had someone drug him and get him to rest for a while. He was tired everyone could see it, his worry for his sister dwarfed any other priority.  The others were too concerned. Tony was using everything he had to find Andy, or something related to her disappearance. He hacked into all surveillance cameras, SHIELD, the FBI servers, looked into all police records and he couldn't find anything.  This felt worse than when Percy disappeared, because this time there was no lead, no answer from the other's link end.

Clint, Natasha and Steve were always away from the tower. They found out who the man who shot Andy last was. When Percy was giving them a brief referance to how the man looked, Peter remembered seeing something similar in one of her drawings. They all got to her room to check the sketchbook and there they found it. They were lucky she was a good artist, it was as good as a photograph, but unfortunately Wolfgang von Strucker also seemed to have disappeared.

Bruce thought that maybe other mutants could help them find her so he asked for a favour from professor Xavier to find her.  However there appeared two problems. One, she wasn't a mutant. Two, he couldn't find her. Try as he might, he couldn't find any Andromeda Jackson. When he told this to his team, he mentioned what his theory was, a bit reluctant as Percy might bring down the tower with just a thought.

"If he can't find her, there is a high possibility that... " he let it hang in the air as everyone present for this purpose figured out what this implied. Percy was the one who broke the silence.

"What? You think she's dead? " everyone directed their gazes to the floor as he cast his eyes over them. "No... No! " he shook his head as he went on. "My sister can't be dead. "

"Percy,  it is a possibility-" began Steve only to get cut off by said boy.

"No! I would know if she was, okay? I would know! Nico would've told me, anyone would've told me, but I would be the first to feel it, okay? She is not dead! " he shouted with a tone of finality in his voice. He threw them one last glare before he stormed out of the room.

But every mortal in the room was beginning to think that might be the case. That the daughter of Poseidon might not be there anymore.

The gods present there knew something else. Loki had been trying to find Andy since he heard of her disappearance. The first times, it was successful, but nothing was found at the sights he sent everyone, the places were cleaned, left fast. But they knew she was there. After 9 months of this constant process of coming back home with empty hands, her trail just seemed to disappear. Like she wasn't there anymore. Just like the others thought.

But he came to realise something. Can you find someone when that person doesn't know who she is?

No, you can't seek out such a person. You have to wait for her to come out on her own.

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