Lunch Time

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It was now lunch time as I walked into the cafeteria holding a cup holder with three ice cream treats for my bitches and me as I walked over to our table I see three dudes I didn't know except the boy Troy so I didn't speak as I gave my girls their stuff and sat down "dam Ma you cant speak?" One of the boys said he was cute but ain't have shit on Troy I gave him a stank face and looked down at my phone becoming even more pissed "fuck!" I said out loud before looking up at my girl Gia as she nodded before whispering in James in ear as he nodded "after school y'all going with me so meet me at the car and better be there" I say pissed as the boys looked confuse "you straight Ma?" Troy said as he looked at me I nodded my head and ate some of my ice cream before I smell some fake perfume I looked up disguised seeing the school hoe Keisha standing at my table staring at Troy I looked between the two "Aye bitch get away from table" I say calmly she knew I didn't like her as she looked at me with a stank face and rolled her eyes walking away I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my ice cream "Aye Ma you ain't have to talk to her like that" Troy said staring at me this caught James and Gia attention as they stared before moving some down "Nigga you don't know me I talk to that bitch anyway I want fuck that freak hoe" I say before standing with my bitches and grabbing my ice cream and walking out the cafeteria to head to my last class.
      Sitting in this boring class I was texting Gia and James in a group message telling them how somebody stole some product and money and we had a drop tonight see let me tell you about my girls see me I'm the calm one out the three I just chill but don't fwm my attitude is real nasty and my hands set up well then there is Gia she the most wildest out of us her mouth have no filter and she always trigger happy that's my baby and now James he the goofy one but don't think because he gay you can treat him any type of way he will put a bullet between your eyes with no remorse and go to your funeral. After the bell rung we met up at my car and headed to the trap somebody got some explaining to do.

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