Stopping Time

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All the people around say that time is very precious, don't waste it, it never stops... Blah blah blah. Now think of a power which enables you to stop time. Well, I know all in this world will be in desire of this power.

Robert Woods a 24 year old aspiring and talented scientist finds a way to stop time (Cooool). He is overwhelmed with happiness. He use this power to try to accomplish all his dreams he had.


He does not even have an idea of what problems he is going to trip into. This daydream of stopping time turns into a nightmare which he would never love to see even in his wildest dreams.


Well, this was the story discription.

This is my second book on wattpad calling for your love and reads. Hope you respond to the call.

The first one (The Time Machine) had a nice plot, was receiving a good response and even had good ranks. But, my sister deleted it mercilessly just because I tore her painting.... Its a long story and I won't regale you with it

So, A new start, a new story but in need of the same old love.

Fingers crossed, hoping for the best to happen with this book.

Bye for now, meet you at the end of the first chapter.


Stopping TimeWhere stories live. Discover now