'It looks like you are literally leading the trend' said Jon point to my hash tag on the trending bar. 'Yeah' I smiled 'Told you there was nothing to worry about... people like you Jon and there not going to change there mind because you're gay' he seemed to believe me now as he took my hand 'lets go tell jimmy and Sean'. Looking down I realized I still wasn't dressed. 'I should put some clothes on' I said. Jon nodded 'do you want to come through?' I asked in my most seductive voice. Jon took a step back and looked down. 'Best we don't Russell' he said. I sighed before going and throwing on some clothes off the dryer. 'Let's go' I said in a cool superhero voice. Jon shook his head again and I could feel his eyes rolling. 'c'mon' I said dragging him outside then locking the door allowing Jon to check it before we got in the car. I was driving so I opened the passenger door for Jon kissing him quickly on the check before moving round to my side. 'Such a gentleman' commented Jon as I sat down.

'Only the best' I said.

The journey was only about twenty minutes but it still seemed less as we made it in record time. 'It's all yours' I said to Jon. He started to slowly take some deep breaths. I placed my hand on his shoulder. 'I'm coming with you' I said getting out the car. I walked around to his side and opened the door practically pulling him out. 'I can't' he whispered. 'C'mon I came out to the whole world today I think you can handle two' I said jokingly. 'Well not quite the whole world perhaps about ten percent' he said. I could see him try to stop his laughter but he was failing 'you can do it' I repeated. He nodded.

'I'll go myself if you don't mind nothing would put me off a recording more than having you there in the audience'. I agreed and told him to text me so I could pick him up later.

Jon's POV

Knocking on the door to jimmy's dressing room he shouted me in. 'oh Jon wasn't excepting you... what can I do you for?' I walked in and shifted uncomfortable from one foot to the other. 'I need to talk to you and Sean... would you mind?' I hinted across the hall to Sean's room. 'Sure what's up' said jimmy sounding concerned as he headed over the hall. 'I only want to say it once so if you don't mind'. I didn't wait for his reply instead I knocked loudly on Sean's door. 'Just a second' he shouted. I could feel my nerves trickling out and the extra moment seemed to last an hour whilst in reality Sean opened the door less than a minute later. 'Can we come in?' I said. He looked confused but ushered us in anyway. I see him ask jimmy but he shrugs too. 'Okay... I need to tell you guys something... you probably already know and I hope you don't hate me or anything because of what I have to say but... oh I can't do it' I said. Jimmy got up first from his seat and placed his hand on my shoulder. 'Jon c'mon what could you possible say that could make us hate you... we're all friends here' he said. Sean piped in agreement and I did feel a little better. One deep breath later. 'I'm gay' I said. Jimmy and Sean sort of looked at each other then Sean stood up too. He paused pulling out a fiver from his pocket and handing it to jimmy. 'Thanks mate' laughed jimmy placing it in his pocket now. I watched confused and apparently Sean caught on. 'We've known you were gay for quite a while' he said. I was still confused as he continued. 'Yeah we went through your internet history... for a laugh and then we found some... interesting sites' he was laughing so much so jimmy took over: 'yehh Jon Sheesh... I mean this is work'. I felt like I should have been awkward now but in reality I felt good. One thing less to worry about. Although I really should delete the history more often. Worry successfully replaced. 'First up... it's my laptop so the sites were from at home I don't do that sort of thing at work'. They're still laughing 'Secondly were you two betting on when I would come out?' My tone was stern now and both Jimmy and Sean stopped laughing.

'Well more like if...' said Sean. 'But it's nothing bad just a friendly fiver between the two of us and nobody else'

'so you bet that I would come out?' I asked jimmy.

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