Chapter 4: Ahkmenrah's Secret

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"Is he a hot man?" Rebecca and I were best friends, but Alice always understood the wild side of me, while her sister is off trying to make an acting career for herself, Alice is meeting boys and going to parties.

My cheeks redden even more as I grin at her "very hot"

She nods her approval as we leave the hotel "oh, well then, don't let me keep you" after a hug we part ways, I head to the museum and she heads back home, I make it there about 10 minutes before sunset, I head round to the back like Larry said and find him waiting for me.

A look of concern lifts from his features as he smiles at me "heyyyyyy" he sings "you made it" he guides me to the front desk and tells me that he'll be back in a few minutes, he says I should just sit and wait. For a short while I listen to the crowds chatter outside, I then check if Larry is around and get up from the chair, making my way over to the T-Rex skeleton, which is usually moving like a robot, I look around its wide pedestal for any switches or wires, and find none, there isn't even anything remotely mechanical near this thing.

When I notice that Larry hasn't come back yet I decide to head upstairs and find Ahkmenrah, if he isn't going to come to me then I might as well go to him. As I make my way there I look at a few exhibits as I pass them, it's like all of the things I've seen walking around, are now still wax figures, they couldn't move even if you wanted them to. So how in the hell is it done? Hopefully Ahkmenrah's secret will clear all that up.

When I arrive at his tomb I notice that the stone slab has been pushed off the glass, and the glass lid has been opened, when I look closer at the sarcophagus I notice that the pins are out so that it can be opened, is it part of a show for the early arrivals? Ahkmenrah dramatically rises from his sarcophagus? Something in the back of my head tells me to open it, maybe I could just say hello before he has to do his thing.

So carefully I reach down into the glass case and slide my nails under the rim of the sarcophagus' lid, once my fingers have slid in I start to slowly pry the lid open, only for a nauseating smell to emerge from it, I close my eyes at the smell as I keep lifting the lid, well I guess I should open them now and... oh my god! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! OH GOD! I unwillingly let out a loud scream and stumble backwards, my hands over my mouth to stop me from throwing up "oh my god oh my god oh my god" I mutter to myself.

A golden glow catches my eye making me look back towards the tablet, trying to ignore the rotting centuries old corpse, my eyes widen as I stumble backwards some more, as the tablet glows the corpse in the glass case starts to rise. I scream the loudest I've ever screamed as I trip over my own foot and fall down onto the floor, my heart is racing like it might jump out of my chest, my brain is too scared to make sense of it all and my legs are desperately pushing me away from the BLOODY MUMMY WHO'S COMING BACK TO BLOODY LIFE!

But then... I stop pushing myself along the floor, the colour of the corpse starts to change as it's body starts to inflate, his head turns to face me as it changes to look like the Pharaoh who caught my eye only days ago. Those familiar brown eyes set on me "Celeste?" As realisation sets in I let out another scream and scramble to my feet. He was dead, and now he's not, he was dead... and... and... oh my god he was dead!

My mind is racing as I run as fast as I can out of the tomb, I can hear Ahkmenrah calling me but I don't stop, my legs just keep running. At the top of the stairs I bump into a Mammoth and fall to the floor, I cry out as I climb to my feet again and practically fly down the stairs, Teddy Roosevelt starts to move and looks down at me confusedly, but he's no more confused than I am right now, though I'm more afraid than anything. As I get closer to the door I hear a loud roar and freeze in my tracks, there's a dinosaur skeleton standing in front of me... and he doesn't seem so robotic right now.

The Eyes Have It حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن