April : Victim 1

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Warning, If you find Annie the doll, give her away immediately or bury her, This is the story why.

April was your average little girl. She loved to play with her dolls, and helped her mom around the house with silly little things like cleaning up her playroom.

For April's 7th burthday her mom got her a new doll from a local antique shop. April loved her gift, naming her new doll Annie. April took Annie everywhere she went.

April's mom didn't notice anything was wrong. Until she noticed another voice coming from April's room, and when April heard her mother coming, she whispered, "Shh. Mommy's Coming" to the doll.

Upon telling her dad he said that it was just her making a voice for the doll, and they brushed it off as just that.

April's obsession with the doll grew, and after almost a month of having the doll April attempted to put her baby brother in the fireplace whilst it was lit. Upon asking her why she attempted to do this she replied, "Annie told me to. Just like she told me he was evil mommy." April's mother was stunned, and set up a baby camera in her room while she was at school.

That night April's parents realised that the camera was on the floor and broken. All april said about the incident was "Annie did it while I was eating dinner. She says she doesnt like being watched by you."

Her parents were beginning to get worried. "April, dear, you can't always blame your mistakes on Annie. She probably doesn't like you saying these bad things about her." April's mother said, hoping she would break out of her stories.

"Annie knows though. Shew knows it's the truth, and she told me to tell you the truth when she does something."

April's parents ended the conversation, moving Annie into their room for the night. As they woke up they noticed Annie was no longer in their room and they heard a static coming from the living room. Her Father walked out to see the tv on static, all the furniture moved around and April sitting on a chair that was on top of the table, holding Annie.

He was stunned. April was not strong enough to move their bulky furniture around. Not alone at least. That was when April noticed her father in the room. "It's okay Daddy. Annie Likes it this way, and look! It's her favorite show!" April said pointing to the static on the tv.

At that moment her mother walked in. April smiled and as she did so she slowly got down off her seat, hiding something behind her back.

"What is that you have there?" April's mother asked.

"Both of you close your eyes for a minue." April quietly commanded.

Her parents complied and as they did so AApril pulled out a large kitchen knife. "Annie says she wants my soul so I can help her pick the big strong kids." her parents eyes shot open as they heard that, but before either of them could react April dug the knife into her chest, her lifeless body falling limp on the ground.

April now follows Annie the doll, and helps convince the kids to join her in their cause.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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