Chapter 2

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 “Hi sweetie” my mom called as I entered the kitchen.

“Hey mom... What are you doing here?” I asked rubbing my eyes. The smell of pancakes filled my nose and I instantly made my way over to the counter and sat down.

“I thought I should pay you a visit... Oh! And look what I found on your doorstep” she said cheerfully, pointing at the flowers. “Is there a boy in your life?” she went on questioning me.

“Uhm… No… I have no idea who gave these to me” I said with food in my mouth. I walked my way to the flowers stuffing my face with food as I went and searched for a little note. I picked it up, twirling it in between my fingers and opened it. “I told you xx.” It said. My hands let go of the paper and it fell to the floor slowly.

“Oh fuck” I choked as a piece of pancake made its way to the back of my throat.

“Are you alright y/n?” my mom yelled from the kitchen.

“Y-yeah I just choked…” I said.

“Eat slower honey” she tsked at me.

How the hell did Harry find out where I live? Harry kept his promises and he definitely meant business. Slowly I reached down for the paper, unfolding it and reading the other print below, “Be ready at 8 pm today, we have a date.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I picked out my outfit, dressing in something dressy yet casual, a glittery white top and black skinny jeans. Each move I made was painful, closer and closer the time came and I knew he would be here soon. I slowly strapped on my heels, dreading this night to come.

 “You really shouldn’t keep your door open” an amused voice sounded from my door. “You don’t know who can come in” Harry said with a smirk on his face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry led me to the dimly lit restaurant, impatiently holding the door open for me. The place was heavily decorated with different hues of red and Italian paintings across the wall as well as chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. His body moved with mine as we walked across the tables, shielding me from the view of others, his hand raised a couple of times and the men in response tipped their hats and acknowledged him with a deep reverence. Something about that still bugged me, but I had no clue at all as to why these men acted this way, obviously Harry had earned the respect but how is what crossed my mind.

“Sit down love” he said pulling my wrist playfully.

The area was like a love seat so we sat knee to knee, in close proximity to one another.

“How may I help you?” A new waiter asked us, he looked shy and nervous as well.

“I’ll get the usual” Harry said not bothering peering at the menu.

“The usual?” He asks. “I’m new...” he mutters apologetically.

“Ugh, linguine alla bolognese” Harry articulates in a perfect accent.

“What would you like y/n?” he questions me, caressing the inside of my thigh; I quickly slap his hand and give him a stern look.

“The same as Harry” I ask cheerfully to the nervous guy.

“Of course” he smiles and blushes, turning to deliver our order. My knee receives a tight squeeze and I look down to see Harry’s hand tightly gripping my knee, his knuckles go white from being tense.

“Are you... Alright?” I ask concerned.

“Excuse me” he says, getting up, his lean body towering as he walks away.

Why was he so pissed? I thought to myself. Minutes go by and I find myself wondering where Harry went; I get up and pace around the restaurant, scanning the area until I heard shuffling of bodies.

“That’s what you get for being a damn flirt” Harry’s deep voice boomed.

“Oh shit” I whispered, rapidly opening the door. There stood harry punching the waiter, the cuffs of his suit rolled up on his forearms and his muscles flexed in a fighting position.

 “Oh my god” I whispered.

Shock went throughout my body and I was disgusted, afraid and ready to leave. I turned around quickly and run outside the doors.

“Come back” he shouted, panic coating his voice.

My legs kept me going and I kept on running throughout the streets but his strides were too large and he soon was on me.

“I’m sorry” he said, pulling me to him.

I tensed at his body against mine, his arms wrapped around my waist, refusing to let go, afraid I would escape again.

“I always lose control” he whispered closing his eyes.

“I didn’t want to scare you” he said slowly, opening his eyes.

I looked up at him, his eyes were a deep green and had a small twinkle due to the moonlight, his gaze held mine, only to break them when he stared at my lips, then my eyes once again and then he kissed me. His warm lips melted on my mine, his lips were rough yet soft but I didn’t reciprocate his actions and stayed put, pressed against his body. His usual demeanour came out as he pulled back smiling again, obviously a bit annoyed that I was non responsive.

“I see how it is” he chuckled, whispering against my neck, his hot breath travelled along my collarbone, tickling and leaving goosebumps across my skin.

“Wha-what are you doing?” I asked nervously as I felt his lips in the crook of my neck. I felt his tongue lightly across my skin, and his lips puckered sucking on my skin gently.

“Nothing” he said smiling slightly, ruffling my hair, he left me utterly confused.

“Do you want me to take you home, I mean we could still do other things” he said suggestively, suddenly pulling me to his car.

He hitched up my leg and held me roughly against the hood, running his fingers inside my thigh.

“Stop” I said shutting my eyes.

“Sure” he said kissing my cheek.

“Get in, we’re going to your house” He assured me.

“Alright, but wait?! How do you know where I live, Harry that’s creepy…” I surprisingly laughed.

“Is it?” He questioned looking at me from the corner of his eye.

“Yes, and Harry?” I asked as he turned the corner. I paused, as he walked out, opening the door for me.

“Don’t ever do that again” I said fumbling with my fingers.

I looked up, expecting him to be amused and laughing. His facial expressions held deep regret but he was still pissed.

“He was flirting with you” he said pulling me in by my waist.

“He was not, I’m not yours anyways” I said looking into his eyes.

“You will be” he said, gripping my hips with his large fingers.

I hope you like this chapter!

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Ily :) xx

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