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Welcome one, welcome all to Star Wars the Role Play! In this book you will be able to roleplay as any character from the Star Wars franchise that your heart desires! Or you can create an OC! You could even do both, it's up to you!

What makes this particular RP different from some of the others on Wattpad is that you can roleplay in any of the arcs from Star Wars, from the Old Republic to the time of The First Order! I will set up individual pages for each arc then include different settings for your RPs so that way you can pick the arc you want as well as the planet or or particular place that you want your character to be!

For example, if I had Ahsoka and I wanted to roleplay in the Clone Wars in the Jedi Temple, I would go to the Clone Wars section then find the Jedi Temple page and start up an RP there!

So I know that probably sounds a bit complicated, but I'll show you how it all works once I finish setting it all out.  So until then please go for the and read through the Rules page which is coming up next, then after that will be the form where you can request characters and followed by that will be the OC Form page.  So go forth and check them out!

May the Force be with you!

~ Lexa

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