"I grew up around all guys so I don't own girly shit" Luffy shrugged. Vivi put her hands on the sides of luffy's face, "oh you poor girl"

Nami suddenly smiled evilly. "Hey Luffy~ do you hate girly things?"

"Yes" Luffy answered bluntly. This caused Nami to smile more evil than last time. Well shit...

Nami grabbed Luffy and stripped her quickly out of her school uniform. Why she was wearing that when there was no school today was beyond them. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Luffy screamed.

Vivi and nami stared at the black haired girls chest. Finally Nami broke the silence. "Are....are you wearing...a binder?"

"Huh? Yeah. Ace told me to just in case something happens. I don't understand what he means by that though" Luffy said innocently.

"Ace? You mean Portagas D Ace?!" Nami asked.
"Yeah. Him and sabo are my brothers. Why? Do you know them?" Luffy tilted her head.

"Of course we know them!!! They're one of the hottest and strongest guys on this campus!!! And you're their little sister?!!?!" Nami was shocked. (shook lolol)

"Nami? If her brothers are ace and sabo then isn't it a bad idea to doll Luffy up in our clothes? I mean no offense but we were gonna wear pretty slutty outfits to this party. They could have our heads!!" Vivi started to worry.

"Relax viv. We can do it without lu getting caught by her brothers. It'll be fun! Look how gorgeous she is!!" Nami gestured to Luffy.

"Did you just give us nicknames?" Luffy raised a brow. "Well, I've always called Vivi 'viv' and yeah I just gave you the nickname. Do you mind if I call you that?" Nami asked. She really liked calling Luffy 'lu' instead. It's have Luffy some femininity to her.

"Not at all" luffy  smiled widely. God her smile is contagious.

"Take off that binder thingy" Nami commanded. Luffy obeyed without shame. Her breast went from less than A's to G's when she took it off.

Nami's mouth fell open. "How...." was all she could mutter. "Never mind it doesn't matter. Let's start!"

Nami stepped back and looked at her creation.

Luffy was wearing a short black strapless cocktail dress with a black leather jacket. She had makeup that complemented her looks well. Nami quickly taught Luffy how to walk in the six inch hooker boots. Her short black hair was left alone. Nothing you really could do with such short hair. Luffy made sure her signature scar under her eye wasn't covered by the concealer.

"I feel weird" was all Luffy said. "You'll get use to it. Come on. We're late for the party" Nami said.

The girls arrived to the party. Luffy was wowed by how lively it was. She started to look around at all the faces.

"Oh Luffy. There's our friends. Come meet them!" Nami dragged Luffy to a group of friends.

"Hello mellorinie-sswwwaaannn!!!" The blond kissed nami's hand. This ended with nami hitting sanji and making him pass out.

The rest just gave a simple 'hi' or something like that to the two girls. Until the green haired boy noticed Luffy.

"Who's this?" Zoro nodded his head towards the black haired female.

"Oh right! Guys this is Luffia! Lu, this is zoro, Usopp, and sanji" nami pointed to everyone as she introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Luffia!" The group gladly welcomed her

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you to! But please call me Luffy" Luffy smiled brightly. Her smile made everyone else smile involuntarily.

"Hey, nami-ya, shachi wants to talk to you," a tall raven haired male said from behind Luffy.

Nami sighed, "alright, but he owes me 100 dollars for this!"

"Hi! I'm monkey D Luffy! What's your name?" Luffy smiled.

"...trafalgar law" law looked at the girl weirdly "isn't Luffy a guys name?"

"It is. My real name is Luffia but I don't like how girly it sounds" Luffy shrugged.

This confused law further. How is a girl saying this when she's in a slutty outfit?!?!

Vivi pulled Luffy away from the taller male. "Since you don't wear dresses and heels you should probably sit down since your feet must hurt. Let's go!" Vivi dragged Luffy to a table.

"What was that for Vivi?" Luffy tilted her head in confusion.

"Look, trafalgar law is the biggest playboy in the school. He might try to have sex with you against your will or something. Be careful around him. ok?"

"What do you mean?" Luffy asked confused. Luffy was too innocent. She couldn't imagine a girl getting pressured into sex.

"Most of us got here a week early to make sure we had what we wanted in the rooms. Law started his rep in 8th grade. I've just heard rumors but in 8th grade he had about twenty four girlfriends. He started doing it with people in ninth grade. In one week he's already fucked six people!" Vivi exclaimed.

Luffy lost interest and stopped listening after Vivi said that they got there a week early.

"Ok I got it!" Luffy smiled and walked over to law.
"Where is she going..." Vivi said to herself.

"Hey torao! Wanna be friends?" Luffy smiled brightly.

Law smirked at the girls actions. 'Is she trying to seduce me?' Law thought. He was pretty sure she was.

"Hm sure" law smirked again.

"Cool! What do you like? I love meat! Shishi" Luffy exclaimed.

Suddenly, law didn't think this girl was trying to seduce him. Most likely the complete opposite actually.

Law somehow found himself answering the question anyway, "I like to study medical stuff. I want to be a surgeon when I graduate."

"That's so cool! Shishishi you're an interesting person torao!"

Law suddenly got an idea. "If I got her drunk I could probably get her in the bed with me"

Can't blame him for being a fuckboi can you?

"Want something to drink?" Law offered. Luffy happily accepted.

Law handed Luffy a shot of tequila. Luffy drank it like how you would drink a shot (even though she has no idea what the hell a shot is) and immediately stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Ew! This taste nasty"

Law blushes at the girls childish antics. 'Cute'

A few shots later luffy was officially drunk. "Torao? I don't feel good..." luffy swayed on her feet a bit.

"It's fine. Let's just go sit down" law grabbed a few more shots and sat the female down at a table.

That's when a certain pair of over protective brothers decide to walk in.

Cliffhanger 😱😱 ima update this soon and pickup where I left off. Let's see what the brothers do next chapter


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