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"What brings you here Tom?" Headmaster Dippet said.

It was rare that he was seeing his former student in his office again, knowing that he graduated 3 years ago.

"Well Mr. Dippet I've come to ask for an offering. Your defense against dark arts job position, is it open?" asked Tom Riddle. He needed that job more than anything. Why? There were many things to be made Hocruxes at Hogwarts and he needed to at least make three or four more.

Mr. Dippet chuckled. This just made Riddle more annoyed and anxious, to get to the point.

"Tom, I cannot lie to you but the space is gonna be filled for the next few years.", Dippet said. Riddle's heart sunk. How was he going to get Horcruxes now?

"We usually have waiting lists for this job, and.. the next available space is in 1998. Which is in about 50 years," Dippet took out a parchment, that Tom believed was the waiting list. Riddle sighed,exasperated. He was going to wait 50 years to teach D.A.D.A. at Hogwarts? 50 years of waiting to make Horcruxes?

"Mr. Dippet I need this job more than anything! It's all I've wanted from the first day I walked into that classroom! You need to find a spot for me that isn't in 50 years," Riddle exclaimed, to the point he was almost shouting. He was angry that he had to wait 50 years to get the job he needed.

"Now Tom I'm not done speaking. I have a deal to make with you,"Tom nodded although on the inside he was raging.

Dipped rummaged through a cabinet in his desk, before he pulled out a gold necklace with a clock-like figure tied in the middle.

-"Tom, do you know what this is"

-"No sir"

"Very well. This Tom is a time forwarder. It will take you to the future," Dippet remarked, while twirling it in his fingers.

"But sir how can you.." Tom was cut off by Dippet. "It's something us Headmasters must have when doing the job. We also have to the time turner." Dippet said

Tom scowled. Was his ex-headmaster allowing him to go to the future or just showing off the time forwarder device?

"Sir, are you allowing me to fast forward time and go the future," Riddle questioned.

"It's exactly what I'm allowing you to do! I've always been very fond of you Mr. Riddle, you've always been respectful and helpful towards others and you've never caused peril. I'm trusting you on this because I know I can." Tom nodded and mentally scoffed. 'Never caused peril' amused him the most. He killed a girl in his fifth year which he used to make his first Horcrux, then framed Hagrid for it.

Questions once more flooded Tom's mind. If he was going to go forward in time wouldn't that mean getting older. It was fifty years forward in time.

"Will I age or change appearance? 50 years is a long time," Tom spoke. His appearance didn't matter to him, although he feared it would make him weaker and not strong or powerful enough to make a horcrux.

"No you won't age, and won't change appearances." Professor Dippet sighed.

"And before I forget! Give this to the current headmaster. It's just a piece of parchment proving the permission I gave you to do this. Now Tom are you ready?" Dippet inquired, with a hint of excitement in his voice. Tom nodded while Dippet handed him the time forwarder.

"Turn it 50 times clockwise."


Tom woke up on the grounds of Hogwarts. It seemed to be alone with no one there. Perhaps the year hasn't started yet. Tom pulled himself up with only his wand and piece of parchment that Dippet gave him, he started walking towards the castle.


"It's just a question, I don't want to do things without your permission," Hermione said smiling. Dumbledore chuckled and nodded towards Hermione. "Of course, Hermione! Hogwarts is your home, don't be afraid to ask for anything," He said with a twinkle in his eyes. Hermione's face darkened, as her tone became more serious.

"There's rumors. About Bellatrix, escaping Azkaban. Is it true?" Hermione requested. If anything came out of Hermione's boggart it would be Bellatrix. That muggle-hating lady scared Hermione, for her crimes against muggles and muggle borns and that was all Hermione worried about this summer semester. She feared if she broke out she would harm her and her family.

"Ah, I knew you would ask this question," Dumbledore said, the twinkle in his eyes gone and his face more serious. "Her cell is empty," He continued and sighed. "I know you will be safe at Hogwarts, no need to worry." He patted her back while she sighed. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Dumbledore called. Hermione turned to see a tall man walk in. He noticed and his eyes shifted up and down very quickly.

"Dumbledore.." He said slowly, waiting for a response from Dumbledore.

"Tom, I've been waiting a long time for you to come," Dumbledore squinted at him. Hermione noted that Dumbledore seemed suspicious of Tom that moment he walked into the room. She could see how Dumbledore became a bit more tense.

"So I can see," Tom responded his eyes shifting around the room, as if he was unfamiliar with it. Perhaps he was. As if never noticing Hermione in the room he introduced her.

"Oh, this is Miss Granger one of the brightest students here at Hogwarts," Dumbledore smiled at Hermione. She felt her cheeks heat at the compliment, and Tom's gaze at her.

"Thank you sir," She replied and her eyes shifted towards the door. Dumbledore noticed and nodded, "You can go Hermione," he said. She nodded at Tom in a goodbye manner and left.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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