It was so startling sometimes when he touched her in such a manner--she was so used to his clinical ferocity that she'd forget that the ability to be humane and gentle existed in him. If she could still move she'd of certainly bucked her hips lightly. Instead a slightly glazed but longing look took her eyes now. Her face had always been so telling to her many moods but her eyes were always the key to it. Viktor could read her needs and desires a mile away.

"Always so hungry, mien Schatz," he teased but not without some roundness in his tone that could almost pass as an apology. Remorse was a short-lived emotion typically for her German lover, however, even if it was never cheapened with pity. This tone of apology was something more peculiar--one might even think that he was wordlessly apologizing for it having taken so long to find her. More than likely it was an apology of him being cumbersome; any lack of proficiency he loathed, as always. He never had time to second guess matters. All he knew how to do, some days, was act.

Perhaps that urgency was why he could, so often, appear so tactless in battle.

However, now, there was no sense of urgency.

He had captured his precious Täubchen and could defile her as he so pleased. He paid mind to keep his eyes on hers at all times and how they smoldered would always make her heart skip. Her cheeks burned red from the silent assertive dominance he carried as she closed her eyes--unable to look at him anymore. His gaze was, often times, too much; even if that moment had it not been there, the fact remained that eye contact had always done plenty to make her uneasy.

Brilliant and sharp orbs had snapped open quickly enough however as she watched him slip closer between her legs. Her heart practically danced in her throat as she watched him crane his towering height down. Her pulse quickened in tempo as she watched him slip lower and lower as he held himself up on toned arms. Still his face closed the space between them. He had fallen out of the range her eyes could see, only briefly, before she felt his nose press against her stomach--his lips just barely above the waistband of her lounge pants.

It was then that he exhaled sharply which caused her limbs, unable to move, to dot with goosebumps.

She could feel him pressing slow kisses across her stomach as it practically did backflips inside of her.

Watching him shift his weight onto one of his arms she could feel the opposite move to her hip he'd inquired of before as it traveled this time. Higher and higher it went until his thumb gently found the hard peak of her breast. It was then it danced lazy circles against it which only spurred electric sparks through her heart.

The softest of moans left her. Had he not been as close as he was he'd of never heard it.

Between stubble gently pressed to soft flesh she could feel his lips curl as he chuckled that deep husky tone through her body. She breathed in heavily as lidded eyes fell closed again. His foreplay was always so sinful.

She'd wanted to coax him along to moan and groan more vibrantly for him but perhaps that had been half of his reasoning for shooting her with his cocktail of paralytics. Without her there to drive him insane he was free to concentrate--to do as he liked. Perhaps he'd wanted to explore her unhindered?

She certainly couldn't ask him in her given state so the best she could do was enjoy it.

Feelings of elation were slowly ebbing in her body as they grew stronger. Slowly the pain in her limbs was easing, at least until his hand had left her chest and slipped down to the bottom of her shirt. He'd appeared to pay mind as he eased it up--careful not to move her arm anymore than necessary before carefully casting her shirt to the side. The cold ground under her body only caused more of her hair to stand on end but that sensation was quickly dulled when he'd craned over again and his mouth had lightly clamped down onto one of her breasts to suckle at it.

What had not helped was that with the way his had shifted his body this time; his thigh purposefully moved between her own as he ground it and the toys within deeper into her leaking frame. This earned him a heated and carnal response as her eyes practically lulled back into her skull.

She wanted so badly to call for him again. She'd dare not call his name in such bliss but certainly his titles.

Of all variables in their current act aside there was one thing she did know for sure and it was one thing that kept her mind firmly gripped in the reality of it all. There was the simple fact that his thick cock was grinding against her thigh that he'd taken to straddling. Her chest rose and fell in sharp motions as it was all-the-more apparent just how in-need he was making her. This had long since been a matter of what she'd wanted. She needed more--she needed him!

Even without dialogue between the two he was quick to take in her glazed eyes to determine what she wanted when his head had snapped to look over her again.

"Do you want me?" he whispered as she practically slammed her lids closed in answer. Her eyes rolled back into her head again, momentarily, before they opened again.

"What is it that you want?" he asked casually knowing full-well she could not respond before he continued. Rocking his strong hips against her thigh again he purposefully hissed as he bit his lower lip. Had she been able she would have attempted to have ensnared his mouth punishment damned for acting out of turn.

Her eyes pleadingly spoke to him as his resumed acting as though he were unaffected by his own arousal.

"You want that don't you?" he asked as he rocked his hips particularly hard against her thigh.

She shamelessly blinked her eyes again, just once.

"Then you will get just that when I am ready to give it to you..."

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