Murphy's Laws of Notion

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You were mad, disappointed, and disgusting with Macallan. He was the reason Bellamy didn't talk to you. And you felt the same way about Bellamy. He didn't love you enough to tell your brother no. You sit alone and watch as Lexa plunges her sword into Gustus, you wished you could do it to your brother and Bellamy. His name disgusted you.
"Yeah, that would've happened to me." Finn says.
"Sad it didn't." You say in an annoyed voice. You couldn't get even ONE second alone. He followed you around like a puppy, you hated it.
"Why do you hate me so much?!" He replies sounding annoyed and offended.
"Why don't you leave me alone?" You snap at him.
"That means go away Finn. Go make yourself useful. Check on John or something. Just leave me alone."
And with that he disappears. It stills sends shivers down your spine when he does that. You look over and see Bellamy and Lincoln talking. He was leaving again. Bellamy looks at you and you see him tell Lincoln to hold on a second before walking your way. You turn away from him and walk towards Octavia.
"Is he coming?" You whisper once you reach her.
"Who?" She asks confused.
"Your brother."
"No, but he's staring at you hard. What happened?"
"I'm done." You state.
"Oh my God Kesia, it's like were 6 again and your telling me he's not your friend anymore." She says annoyed.
"I can't believe him, he's such a jerk." You say aggrivatedly.
"Well when hasn't he been? If it makes you feel better he's trying to sneak into mount weather today with Lincoln." She says.
"Good. Now I don't have to deal with him back at camp."
"Wow, I never expected something like that to come out of your mouth."
"Well it did, and It couldn't be more honest." You say crossing your arms.
"Well, everyone else is starting to leave, I think we should too." She says handing you your bag. You put it on your back and catch up with the rest of the group.
Big Time Skip

You sit with Murphy, you were talking about what happened in Tondc.
"So they tied me to the tree pole thing and started cutting me." You say taking a sip of your water.
"I wouldn't have let them do that." He says.
"Yes you would've John, you're a coward." You laugh.
"Wow Firegirl you've gotten worse than me." He says with a small smile.
"I'm happy you're proud." You grin. You watch as people pass in front of you for a while.
"I can't believe your dad let the grounders in. He's so stupid." Murphy complains.
"Shut up, he made sure they left their weapons outside the gate. You're such a baby." You say annoyed.
"That's funny coming from you." He smirks. You punch his shoulder. A grounder walks over to you both and you start to give him a smile, but he doesn't look happy.
"You got a problem?"Murphy asks, looking up at the grounder.
"You stood there watching while my village was massacred." The grounder says in Trigedasleng.
"Sorry I don't speak grounder." Murphy says, he starts to get up but you push him back down.
"I do." You say.
"I was there as well." You say in Trigedasleng.
"I know and neither of you did anything to stop it." He replies in his language. You realize he doesn't speak English, so the entire conversation would be in grounder.
"We tried to talk him out of it, and as his spirit talker, I took the torture he deserved, so if you have a problem, have one with me." You reply. The grounder looks at Murphy dead in the eyes, "Wamplei beda com gon yu." (Death should come upon you) The grounder says in his language. Even though Murphy doesn't know what he said, he takes offense to it. He stands up and the grounder pushes him and he pushes him back. There's a moment of silence as you try to push Murphy by his waist.
"Mr. Murphy," your dad calls.
"Apologize to that man."
"For what?" Murphy says aggrivated.
"He was the one that came at me."
"2 days work detail." Your dad orders
"Work detail? I just told told you I didn't do any_"
"Do you want 3?"
Murphy smirks and starts to walk away.
"You can burn just like your friend." The grounder says in english, suprising you. Your shock makes you miss that Murphy threw a punch. Once you realize you wrap your arms around his stomach and pull him back. But you fail, and he punches him again, and the whole room starts a brawl. Your dad comes at him and tries to tear him off, but can't because of the other fights going on. He pulls you out. And you watch the mess Murphy had started with Octavia while your dad continues to try and break it up.
"Well, there goes our chance of an alliance." Octavia says.
"You think?" You say sarcastically.
"You're gonna have to get in there to stop Murphy, he only listens to you." Octavia says.
"I know," you say before walking towards the fight to pull out Murphy, but your dad sees you.
"Kesia stay back."
"No" you say.
"How about you get your son who's over there punching a grounder instead of worrying about me."
"I'm going to fix this, just trust me! Toss me your gun." You walk into the fight breaking apart everyone as you reached the middle. It was probably because you had the gun in the air. You reach Murphy and put the gun to his head. Making him instantly stop.
"You're such an idiot John Murphy." You say through closed teeth, you grab him by the hair and drag him to the work room. And shut the door behind you.
"What was that for?" He asks scratching the place where you had pulled his hair.
"What is wrong with you?!"
"Many things Firegirl, and you've seen every one." He smirks.
"Well you need to get this problem fixed John because I'm not breaking up another fight! You understand me pumpkin?" You say irritated, but after you finish saying the last word, your cheeks turn red. Did you seriously just say that?
"Aw, you have a nickname for me now." He says in his usual sarcastic voice, but with a hint of care added to it. A big grin had formed on his face.
"No.... I..... just don't do it again." You say, you're entire face had to be completely red now. You try to walk out the door but Murphy puts his hand out and stops you. You stand still, motionless. You watch as he locks the door. You gulp, you knew what he was thinking.
"Murphy, you know I have a boyfriend."
"Really, because that's not what I heard."
"Well you heard wrong."
"Then why aren't acting like it?"
"Who tells you these things, you heard when I got with Bellamy, you told me you heard about my brother_"
"Why does it matter so much?"
"Because it's stalkerish John_"
"Then why haven't you complained before?" You stand quietly as you feel his other hand touch your cheek, rubbing his thumb across your jawline. You're breathless. Murphy is strictly just a friend, nothing more. You know he has feeling for you, and you always brushed him off before. What was it now that made you break? You're like a mirror, you act like the people around you, and only the person you opened up to was someone who you found, and you believed since you found that person, they should find you. Octavia was that person. So why are you feeling safe enough around him to reveal yourself? You had to make it stop.
"Murphy stop!" You say throwing his hand off, all he does is smirk.
"Playing hard-to-get huh?"
"No, never in a million years would I want to date you John Murphy."

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