Chapter 1

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"Hi I'm spiderman and recently me and my team joined the Avengers and it was Awesome. We love the Avengers tower I even got my own part of my house on the ceiling. I have to admit one of my favorite parts is working with Bruce and Tony.But I still have the drama with sinister six.But even though we're avengers when we go out on patrol it's just me and my team and when it's just us fighting a villain I'm still in charge.I think it's because I'm Caps favorite."

"Shut up Web head"

"I'm just saying Nova"

Anyway that's our lives now.


Peters POV

"Alright guys were almost done with our patrol"."Ya we should start heading back " White Tiger said. "Hold on something's not right".Then they heard an explosion. "Come on" spider man went to go talk to the police officer."What did he say " Iron fist asked."There are people still in their I'm going in"."Web head you can't go in there" Nova shouted as he went into the building. "Hello can anybody hear me". He heard something coming from in front of him.He felt something hit his chest and saw it bleeding from some wood falling and cutting him.He found the two kids feeling light headed and starting to get dizzy from all the smoke he was breathing in he got the two kids.

"He should be out by now " Iron fist said. "Should somebody go in after him " White Tiger said. "Give him a few more minutes" power man said. "Come on Web-Head" Nova whispered to himself. Then the saw him come out and starting running to him. "Are you OK you don't look to good" White Tiger asked. "Ya I'm fine" then he passed out and fell into Iron fist arms from loosing all the blood from his chest and breathing in to much smoke."Hey fist look at your hand" power man said to Iron fist.He looked down at his hand seeing the blood then everybody notice the gash on his chest.They were getting close to tower as his heart rate was getting slower.They got to the tower and starting heading up.0Hello I see you came back from patrol may I warn Mr stark of your situation. "Yes thank you Jarvis"Ava said."What happened take him to the medical bay"Tony told them."We were on our way back from patrol when we heard an explosion we went to check it out and a building was on fire then we heard to people were in there and Peter went to go get them but he took to long in there"Luke said.We have rip off the top part of his shirt.When they were stitching the gash they also seen 3 long marks on his chest (this story is taken part after Amazing spider man ) "What are those from" Sam asked.Steve Clint and Natasha came in. "What's going on" Steve said "is he going to be ok"Natasha asked. "He should be just give him a few hours" Tony said

The next day
Natasha POV

Peter finally woke up "How long have I been out" Peter asked "about a day you lost a lot of blood you have really good friends" "There not my friends their more my family I mean after all they did live with me for a while " She gave him a quick smile. "Hey what day is " "the 21st" "I have to go I need to be somewhere" Knowing he was talking about going to Gwen's grave she didn't try to stop him.He left Avengers tower.

Steve called everybody to the meeting room.We got information about the Sinister 6 going to the clock tower.Steve told Natasha to call Peter "Do you really want to do that Steve" telling him the date. He knew what she was talking about but his team didn't. "Ok we go in without Peter " What are you guys talking about " "We shouldn't tell you guys if you want to know go to the cemetery 5 minutes from here."Steve said.They we confused but went.

Peters POV

They saw peter standing there so the walked to him."Oh hey guys what are you doing here wiping tears from his eyes."So how come you never told us about her" Sam asked "I don't know but she was an amzing girl" Peter said "What happened" Iron fist said putting his hand on his shoulder "Its all my fault " They exchanged confused glances. "I was fighting Electro I told her not to come but she did, we beat Electro then Harry came in his green goblin he was mad at me because I wouldn't give him my blood to save his life.So he took her to the clock tower and dropped her I caught her with my Web then it broke so I tried to grab her but Harry got me and by the time I caught her she was already dead.Her dad made me promise to stay away from her but I couldn't" "Peter it's not your fault " Ava said "Ya bud there's nothing you could've done"Sam said "but there was I could have stopped her from coming or I could've kept the promise to stay away from her. I broke with her the second time because I saw her dad everywhere I went" He punched a tree making the leaves fall he started crying so Ava hugged him. He stood there for 2 more hours they left him alone but they went to the building so they could make sure he's ok.But Peter knew they were there but didn't bother.

Danny POV

"This truly was a special girl" "Ya I've never seen him this down before " Ava said "He really must of loved her" Luke said "Oh well life goes on" Sam said and they all punched him "ow what was that for" "put yourself in his shoes his parents died so they left him with his Aunt and uncle when he was younger and then his uncle was shot then Gwen died he's lost everyone he's loved." "Get down he's leaving"

Back at Avengers tower

Peters POV

Where you guys going. "Um Peter were going to the clock tower and we didn't want to tell you because we didn't know if you wanted to go or not" Steve said. "No i'll go I'll be fine " "Are you sure" Clint said . "Ya I'm sure" "So did you guys talk to Peter "Natasha asked "Ya he stood there for two hours " Ava told her "poor kid has been through a lot "Steve said.

At the Clock tower

"Alright they should be here somewhere " Steve said.And then a green mist came out. Soon they heard Peter scream. "What is that Tony" "It must be something that triggers bad memory's" Tony said. Natasha Ava and Danny ran to Peter. They saw him holding his head and hyperventilating ."It's ok Peter it's ok" Ava was saying. "Wait Iron fist can you use your Chi to try to slow down his heart rate " Natasha said .It started to work but next thing they know they were hit back and Peter was gone.

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