"m-m-master Elliot..." he blushed so hard looking at me as he realized what he called me. "Master Elliot!" he shouted giggling.

"Yes baby boy?" I said smirking.

he hugged me tightly. "Thank you master Elliot!"

"You're very welcome baby boy." I said.

//Sunnys POV

Mister.... I mean Master Elliot bought me new clothes today! They are so cute. Master Elliot is really super cute too. I didn't think he was when he first moved in next store but that was before I seen his abs and without him knowing... his very nice weewee. He is watching me for the week. Hopefully he'll control me like I want him to.. His voice is so nice and sweet and gentle but yet very rough and demanding in ways I loved. I kinda like boys more than girls. Boys are just more cute. But if I called Master Elliot that he would correct me and say he's handsome. Which he very much is. I guess I started to show I liked him and he acknowledged it and I guess that's where he started calling me baby boy.. Just a few weeks of him moving next store. I took my clothes he gave me and hugged them like they weren't going to leave as long as I held him.

"Calm down baby boy. They're yours they won't leave baby." Master Elliot told me and I blushed up at him.

"Im sorry master Elliot. May I go put them on?" i blushed.

"Put them on right here baby. I'm not letting you out of sight." Master Elliot said. I wanted to be smart and be with him.

"So what if we're sleeping?" i giggled.

"Then I guess if you keep your mouth shut I can sleep with you tonight. That's is if you don't mind." Master Elliot gave me this look that made my briefs more tight than they actually where.

"But Master Elliot..." I blushed. "I've seen how you sleep... you sleep naked... will I have to too?"

I watched his lips widen into a smile. "I guess we'll have to see baby"

I blushed and pulled down my briefs kicking them off and before i knew it i was on Master Elliots' lap. Knowing I'm naked i go full in and kiss Master Elliot. I felt his lips press against mine softly. He was kissing me back. I felt pressure on my ass. Was he grabbing me? I pushed up against him turning to see His hands.

"Is everything okay baby boy?" he said softly But i could also hear the love in His voice. If that's what it was.

"Yes m-m-master Elliot" i look down to find me growing. "m-may i g-get in the sh-shower Master?"

"Let me get in with you. I need to make sure my baby boy washes up in the right places" he said as he ran His nails down my back pressing me against him. I nodded biting lip waiting from him to release me. He looked straight into my soul. Im sure he could see exactly what I wanted him to do to me. But Master Elliot was right. I needed to be cleaned. Plus, im sure he knows a way to clean me out and make me clean when we're in the shower. He let me go. I didn't like it because he wasn't holding me and i just looked at him with the face innocence.

We made it to the shower after me pouting and whinning for him to carry me. Thankfully I won because I kept jumping on his lap begging and he like it. A lot.

I loved the way Master Elliot washed me in the shower. He washed my hair first and made it super soapy. But then he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around one washing my arms then chest and stomach before moving down slowly rubbing my erection. He started to squeeze my balls and jerk me with the soap in his hand. He felt so good rubbing me appereantly enough for me to push back with my ass onto his fully hardened cock. I moaned loudly blushing and he began moving down washing down my legs. He spread them a part washing up my thighs. Although the water was warm I shivered feeling Master Elliot's breath against my naturally big butt.

"Bend over little one. I need to get that perfect hole." Master Elliot demanded me but I wanted him to make me bend over.

"Well what if I don't ?" I said smiling widely.

"Then Master Elliot will have to make you." He said as his nails dug into my butt. Just exactly what I wanted him to say.

"Make me then or I won't do it." Right after that word escaped my mouth I felt him pick me up turning around in the large bathtub putting me down on my knees and make me spread my legs. It felt him spread apart my asscheecks and wash my hole. He washed it so good he told me he would wash the inside for me too. I didn't stop him. His wash cloth entered me along with his finger and all I could do is push back against him. It made me harder and hard to breath with the moaning he was making me do. He wrapped his left arm over me and gripped my dick jerking me slowly washing the rest of me. He stopped and the feeling in my went tingly.

"Let's go make some lunch" he smirked in my ear and slowly let go of my fully hard cock.

"Yes Master Elliot."I said trying not to shake from what he'd done to me.

We got out and got dressed. The rest of the day was normal with us cuddling and watching movies while we ate ice cream for dinner.

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