
Adrien was waiting for Marinette on the steps of the school. They waved at each other, and started heading towards each other, but Alya and Nino dragged them off in opposite directions. Alya convinced Nino to help her pull off her plan to question their two friends. Alya took Adrien to one side of the stairs and Nino did the same with Marinette on the other.

"Alright girl, you got some explaining to do." Alya took out her phone and hit the voice recording app, and shoved the phone in his face. Meanwhile Nino was taking a much more laid back approach. He leaned up, casually, against the wall.

"Alright dude, spill what happened between you and Marinette yesterday?" Marinette tensed up a bit, she wasn't prepared to be questioned, at least not by Nino. {she only knew how to face Alya or her parents in this type of questioning situation}

"I just wanted to ask him if he'd be my partner in a Mecha Strike III tournament." Adrien replied.

{"That's not what I want to know. What I want to know is: how you were able to talk to him without melting into a puddle?" }

"I don't know... uh dude..., she just kinda went up and well talked to me." Marinette tried to replicate Adrien's neck rub thing he does when he's embarrassed or unsure.

"I don't know, Alya seems like there is something more to her."

"Why would you assume that?"

"Girl, I know you." Alya crossed her arms, still holding her phone out in front of her. "And I know that there is no way you just gained this mysterious confidence with him."

"I guess Marinette got over her nerves from her crush on me." Nino shot up, and grabbed Marinette shoulders.

"She told you that she has a crush on you?!" Marinette froze, realizing her mistake. 'Oh no...' she thought to herself. Nino took her by the wrist and dragged him to where Adrien and Alya were. "Alya! Marinette confessed to Adrien that she has a crush on him!" Alya jumped for joy as she held onto the body of her friend. Adrien looked over to Marinette who was at a lost for words. Alya couldn't help but squeal right into Adrien's ear.

"I'm so proud of you girl!" Adrien just smiled awkwardly at Alya. "Sooooo are you guys together now? Is Adrienette a thing now?" Marinette rubbed her forehead in annoyance and embarrassment, but Adrien was struggling to suppress his laughter and mischievousness.

"Well..." Marinette tried to explain, but of course Adrien had to have come up with a snarky comment.

"Absolutely! Adrienette is totally a thing." Alya ignored the completely out of character response, and began freaking out even more, and Nino playfully slugged Marinette in the arm. {She was so red in the face from embarrassment. Adrien threw her a wink when no one could have seen}. 'Ugh stupid cat! This day cannot get worst!' Out in the distance there was a loud boom that turned all of their attentions towards the sound. It could only mean one thing: Gemini had returned.

"Quick!" Marinette told Nino and Alya. "Find some cover, hurry!" Nino and Alya ran into the school; assuming that their friends were right behind them, but in reality, Adrien and Marinette dipped into an alleyway. Tikki and Plagg flew up, and Adrien had a stupid grin on his face. "W-what?" Marinette asked, still a little frazzled by what had transpired a few moments ago.

"This is our first transformation together as Adrienette. I hope that it is a special one." Marinette's face got redder than it did before. She was silent for a few minutes,{ contemplating whether or not he was being serious or not}. However she had to shake the idea out of her head and go focus on dealing with the Akuma.

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