Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

By the time they returned to Trevorton House it was late in afternoon with the children and their nanny, Mrs. MacAulay and of course Mr. Socks.

"Foster, I hope we are ready for the children since we are returning sooner with them then I had anticipated," he told his butler, Margie asleep on his shoulder, Richie standing in front of him holding Mr. Socks in his arms.

"Yes, my lord," Foster replied. "I believe we have the nursery is in readiness for their arrival, the maids finished cleaning earlier today."

"I thank you and the staff, Foster." Oliver said. "This is young Master Richard Bishop and his sister, Miss Marjorie Bishop and their nanny, Mrs. MacAulay. Oh and Mr. Socks. Please have them shown to their rooms."

"Yes, my lord," Foster said and snapped his fingers and several footmen and maids appeared. "Master Richard, Mrs. MacAulay, and Mr. Socks, we are pleased to welcome you to Trevorton House. If you would follow Faith and Megan they shall show you to your rooms. Brad and Frank with see to your belongings." Mrs. MacAulay followed the maids while Foster turned toward Oliver. "You have a visitor, my lord."

"Yes you do," his aunt said and he noticed her for the first time standing in the hallway, her arms crossed under her breasts. "I was wondering when and your intended would be returning."

"You are just in time to meet everyone," he told her. "Aunt Caro this is Val... Mrs. Valentine Bishop, her son, Richie and the one asleep on my shoulder is her daughter Margie. Val, this is my favorite Aunt Caro...Lady Carolyn Claiborne, Dower Countess of Eastridge."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Claiborne," Val told Oliver's aunt and curtsied.

"Yes, my lady," Richie told Oliver's aunt and made a grand bowed before her.

Aunt Caro smiled down at Richie.

"My pleasure as well, Mrs. Bishop, Master Richie," his aunt replied, "and since we are to be family I see no reason for you all not to call me Aunt Caro. I am also Oliver's only aunt so I have to be his favorite."

Richie snickered.

"Let us see to the children first, Aunt Caro, then Val and I will join you in the green drawing room," he told him aunt smiling, "and please see to refreshments for everyone, Val and I would appreciate it."

His aunt came to stand close to see Margie. "She is beautiful. We have not had a little girl in the family since I was little. You know I shall spoil them, don't you? This will be so much fun, having children once again roaming these hallowed halls. I do believe, Foster, found some of my old toys in the attic for Margie. You go on up now to help the children settled into their new home, while I see to our refreshments and do not rush back on my account."

"Thank you, Aunt Caro," Oliver said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Even if I had several aunts, you would always be my favorite. We will return shortly."

Oliver followed the others up the stairs to the nursery and school rooms, as with Markham House, it was located on the third floor.

"My goodness," Val said upon viewing the huge room that both served as a class and playroom. The far two corners had been set up with toys for each child; it looked like a toy shop. Oliver saw a doll house and other girl's items he'd never seen before.

"Where should I put Margie," Oliver asked.

"I think in here, your lordship," Mrs. MacAulay replied standing in the doorway of a room. Oliver carried Margie to the room and stopped once he entered. A small white canopied bed, along with furniture sized for a little girl, filled the room where once boy's furniture had been. A pink canopy, coverlet and drapes with yards and yards of frilly lace decorated the room. Two white rocking chairs, one child sized, one adult, were placed before the fireplace. The room carpeted now with a large pink, rose and green rug. Several dolls were sitting on a bookcase near the bedside table.

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