8:《Realising 》

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Nikki P.O.V

Damn!Where the hell-How did I get home?

My head,ouch.

I looked on the floor and there was Paige and Sasha on the couch snoring away.

I pick my phone and see a message from Seth.

And when I saw it was from him I s-smiled and then held my head since it ached.

Hangover is shit this morning.

Shirtless👅:Good morning ma'lady👸

Me:Oh he y go of morninvh to.👄


Me:I can tell type !😄

Shirtless👅:How about I just phone instead?😂


Shirtless👅:I think that means yes😅.

I couldn't even type properly,I felt so tired.

I see Seth calling and decided to talk outside on the balcony since seeing Paige and Sasha are here and I wouldn't hear the end of them teasing me.

I answered the phone,



I said in dead tone.

Seth:Woh you okay?

Nikki:I'm fine I'm just sore from last night.

Seth:What!You and Cena had s-

Nikki:Ewww no Seth!

I laughed.

Seth:Oh thank gosh.

Nikki:I'm had a girls night out and we were partying so hard. Remember I told you yesterday?

Seth:Oh yeah forgot.

He said as he chuckled.

Nikki:So what you wanna do today?

I asked actually enjoying his company.

Seth:Actually.I got this meeting to go to.You know how HHH can be if I don't come to these things.


I say disappointingly.

Seth:Oh looks like Nikki Bella wants to spend time with me?

He said I could just picture him smirking.

Nikki:What!You wish.

I said knowing he was right but not wanting to admit it.

Seth:Aww anyway I'm sorry Shorty but you wanna do something maybe tomorrow?

I felt my whole mood light up.

Wait.Why was I happy to be with Seth?He annoys the shit out of me.

I shake my head a little.

Nikki:Why not..wha-

I see Paige waking up.

Nikki:Ahh Seth I will call you back!

Seth:Everything okay Shorty?

Nikki:Yeah,it's just...shit!I will talk to you later.

Seth:Okay bye Shorty.

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