He says staring at my ass.


I ask grabbing my jacket and tying it around my waist.

Seth:Aww why'd you have to do that?

Nikki:Look over there.Those are weights I suggest you go lift some before you get flabby!

Seth:Oh shorty I'm far from flabby.

He said while walking over to the weights.

I stepped of the treadmill and sat down to catch my breath.

I look over at Seth lifting those weights and the way he flexed.

Dammit.That looks sexy asf.

•20 minutes later•

I looked at my phone to see it's battery life.

78% still good.

I take a selfie of me then I feel water drip on the top head.

I touch it but not taking my eyes of my phone.

Nikki:What t-

I look up to see Seth but this time.He was shirtless and dripping wet.



He said smirking at me.

I was lost for words and I couldn't help but stare at that glorious site.

Seth:Like what you see shorty?

He says winking.

I wake up and push past him.

Nikki:Psh as if.

I moved to the weights to try and ignore the fact he looked so sexy right now.

And was followed by Seth.

Seth:You know I know some people that do yoga.I'd like to see you stretching.

Nikki:What are you trying to say?

Seth:Oh nothing.

Nikki:You're just to much Rollins.

Seth:Oh why thank you shorty.

I roll my eyes at that nickname.

Seths phone rings and goes to take it the call.

Seth:One moment shorty.

He winks.

I just roll my eyes.

That is the most annoying nickname ever.

Shorty,I mean I'm not even that short!

He walks back and picks up his bag.

Seth:Well see yah shorty.

He says smiling.


I say smiling he is finally going!

Then he turns around.

Seth:Hey shorty?

Nikki:What is it Seth?

Seth:Well I was wondering if,you know.I could get your,number?

He mumbled and I couldn't hear a thing.


He scratches the back of his neck.

And I admit I find that cute.

Seth:I asked if I could get your number?Maybe.

I laughed.

As much as he annoys me he is still able to make me laugh.



He says taken back at his actions.

Seth:I'm mean you serious?

He asked playing it cool.


I laugh.

He hands me his phone.

And I type in Nikki❤
And my number.



He said smiling.

He walked out of the gym grabbing the nearest guy and shaking him.

"I got her number!"

He screamed as he ran to his car.

I burst out laughing.

I grabbed my water bottle and phone thinking about what just happened.

He got happy because I gave him my number?Why?He annoys me but I still give him my number?


I walked out and realised I hadn't seen Brie in forever so decided to visit her.



I was about to hug her tightly when I looked down at her stomach.

Nikki:Woops,almost forgot.


Nikki:Hey Danny!

I said while hugging him.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with my sister and her husband and my future nephew or niece.

•Shorty•✔Where stories live. Discover now