Nikki:No it's cool.

I said not looking at that person and picking myself up.

He picked up my cap and that's when I got a glimpse of him.

Hey this guy.Umm..what's him name again?Rob?Roth?Rellins?

Seth:I'm Seth Rollins but you probably already knew that.

As a matter of fact I didn't,you cocky cock.

His ego was huge,I could tell by the way he spoke.

Nikki:And I'm-

Seth:No introduction needed,you're Nikki Bella.

He said smirking with that 'I know it all' face.

Nikki:How do you know I'm not Brie apart from my attire?

I question with a raised eyebrow.

Seth:Easy you're the twin with those big,round,gorgeous-

His eyes trailed down to my breast but then up at my eyes.

Seth:Gorgeous eyes I mean.

He said scratching the back of his neck.

Nikki:Big,round,gorgeous eyes?

Sounded even more ridiculous when you say it out aloud.


He said popping the p.

He put the cap back on my head.

Seth:Hey be happy you got a compliment from Seth Rollins.

He said winking as he walked away.


I mumbled to myself.

This guy is so much to handle-

"Nikki to the gorilla"

I heard and walked to the gorilla.

My music hit and I did my booty twirl.I tore my over shirt and threw it at the crowd.

I saw a couple of Nikki Bella posters which made me smile.

Running to the ropes,I throw my cap and bounce back of the ropes.

Summer is already in the ring .I glared at her as I break my knuckles.

Show time.

Time Skip•
•Later In The Match•

Summer had dropped kicked my lower back region,making it slightly harder for me to stand.

I gathered all my strength and picked her up on my back.

Byron:And Nikki Bella going for the Rack Attack.

I picked her up and boom!Rack attack.

I covered her and went for the pin.


JoJo:And you're winner,Nikki Bellaa!

I smiled as the ref lifted up my hand.

And I walked back staged and high fived a couples of fans.

I walk into my locker to to find my poor excuse of a boyfriend who scared the living shit out if me.

Nikki:John!What the hell!

I held my hand over my thudding heart.

John:Where were you last night?

Nikki:Do you really care?

I rolled my eyes to piss him of.

John:Answer me Nicole!

Nikki:I was Roman's hotel!

There was no problem with me staying over with Roman because Sasha was there too.There was no problem but with John,he would find one.

John:Listen to me and listen to me good.You're not a kid anymore.You're a grown woman so start acting like it.

He said leaving me in shock,especially at his last outburst.

And for whatever reason I started crying because his words hurt me deeper than he knows.

John:Oh my gosh Nicole!You're so pathetic now,you're going to cry!

He yelled at me with a frustrated look.

Nikki:Someone is going hear keep it down!

I managed to say.

John:Let them hear Nicole!Let them know Fearless Nikki who can't even handle the truth without crying.

He rubbed his temples and looked at me keeping his cool.

I hated crying in front of people,I felt like it was showing my weakness.

John:Okay,look I'm sorry come here.

He said opening his arms.

I wiped my face and walked to the door.

Nikki:You're unbelievable!

I slammed the door and went to Paige's locker room.

Paige:Nik-have you been crying?



She said sternly.


Paige:Come inside.

I sat on her couch and then lay down to sleep.

Nikki:I can't do this anymore.

I said before crying myself to sleep.

Seth P. O.V

Great!Dean left my jacket in Paige's room!

Last time I'm letting him use my stuff.

Seth:Yo I'm gonna get my jacket I will be back,someone forgot it.

Dean:I wonder who?

He smirked.

Roman laughed and I rolled my eyes.

I walked to Paige's locker room and knocked but no one opened so I opened it myself.

And I have to say what I saw hurt for some reason.

Paige turned around.

And she whispers to me.


Seth:Oh sorry I came for my jacket.

I said,Paige went to get my jacket while I looked at Nikki.

Paige:Here you go.

Seth:Thanks,is everything alright with Nikki?

Paige:Oh she is just having some problems with John but she will be fine.

Seth:Oh okay.

I say and walk out of the room.

I don't know what is wrong with Cena.

He has the most beautiful girl and treats her like shit.

But like they say you only appreciate something when it's gone.

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