Part one

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It was the night of the show and My brother Danny had All Access passes. I was sitting alone on the couch Danny was talking with Doug, Reid and Brendan, I grabed a black colored Pencil Lightly shading where it needed on the picture. MDD and 3DG where on tour together so that ment Matt was puling double Duty, I had my Earbuds in my ears Listing to Shinedown I was good friends with Brent Smith And Synyster Gates or I just call him Syn. I got Dirty looks from all this Girl Fans Because He always holds my hand when he is Leading me though the Huge Crowds A7X Gets.

I looked at my phone seeing Syn texted me I chuckled reading the Text. seeing that He wants me to come up with something for the new cover of there Cd.

Brittney: Just text me the What y'all want done how y'all want it done and what Colors.

I put my phone down by me getting back to work on the CD cover for Shinedown, I put my Sketch Pad down walking over to the door, I laughed seeing Synyster Gates I walked over hugging him,

"What you doing here?" Syn Asked,

"My idiot brother, He drags me here Then ignores me" I laughed,

" Shadows wanted me to come and give you this, It all the Info about the cover" Syn smiled

I took long brown envlope pulling the papers out looking at them. I smiled felling Syn Throw his arm over my shoulder, I smiled folding up the papers and Envlope sticking it in my back pocket. I walked back to the Dressing room Putting the envlope and papers in my bag My brother was draging me on tour with him and his friends, I heard Syn yelling for help I ran out of the room seeing some Blonde girls trying to Rip his shirt off, I ran over pulling them off throwing them againt the wall glearing at them. I handed Syn my hoddie so he could put it on since they shredded his shirt.

I pulled the two girls outside throwing them on the ground, No one touched Syn and got away with it that was crossing the line. I pulled them up shoving them againt the wall beyond pissed.

"Listen to me and listen good, You do not put you're fucking Money grubing paws on Synyster. You fucking crossed the line, IF I CATCH EITHER OF YOU BARBIE BITCHES AROUND HERE OR AT ANY A7X CONCERT I WILL GUT Y'ALL LIKE THE SLUTS Y'ALL ARE" I said throwing them to the Securty Guards.

"What the hell was that about?" Reid asked,

"None of you're concern" I said,

I walked over by Syn who was leaning on his car. I shook my head wiping the blood from under his Eye with the seleve of my shirt, Danny looked at Reid chuckling.

"She dosnt mean to be rude, she is mad because Syn got hurt by them girls. She is Very Protective of him" Danny laughed,

"Can't blame her I seen alot of girl get like that. Even some girls did that when the Band was yelling for help when girls tired to take there shirts" Reid laughed.

I smiled closing my eyes Listing to Syn Heart beat he has his arms around me. Something just felt right about being in his arms, I felt like nothing could Harm me or hurt me Syn was sweet well to me he didn't want his fan thinking he was a softie. I thought it was cute that He was a big Softie around me and a tough Guy on stage it made me laugh, The first time I met Syn was pure Chaos we Didn't get along it was at a Meet and Greet. He thought it was a smart Idea to pick on me untill I had his ass on the floor in the STFU causing Shadows to fall over laughing,

I smiled at that Memory it was a funny one, After that we slowly started to get along A7X was heading over to Prague, Czech Republic Soon. I buried my head in his chest trying to hide the fact that I was crying, Why the hell would I be crying because Syn was leaving to go on tour? Did I have felling for one of my bestfriends? And when the hell did I get them? All I knew Is I was going to miss him it broke my heart to see him go so far away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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