Chapter 5: My Mission

Comenzar desde el principio

"I shall alert Cecil."



"The mission Aaron is on, will he be okay? He's been off lately."

"Mission? I do not know what you are talking about."

"Elliot, please."

"He should be fine." He walked out of the room. I sighed in relief before I got up. I walked to my room and opened my trunk revealing a whole bunch of dress. I would have to take several with me. The words of the letter ran through my head.


I need your assistance. We have opened up negotiations with France and they want us to send a diplomat of sorts to their country. I shall be sending you. You must go alone, no one may accompany you in this journey, I do not want to put more people in danger than necessary.

I fear that the French may be planning something and may even try to hurt the diplomat we send. This is why I am sending you, do not fail in your mission. We have some men from your guild over there spying in the French, they have been ordered to gave absolutely no contact with you.

Also do not let the French know of your prowess, if they know how well you can fight they might attack you without hesitation, but for your safety keep a weapon on you at all times. I am counting on you.

- Your King

It worried me a bit, but I had to go through with it.


Cecil and I had been riding for a day already and we decided to stop for the night.

"Cecil you should get some rest, I shall take the first watch," I said.

"I do not feel comfortable sending you to France," he said. He had been quiet the entire ride.

"Do not fret Cecil, all will be well," I replied. "Get some rest."

He took a deep breath and then laid down and within the minute I heard the soft rhythms of his breath telling me he was asleep. Something was off I could feel someone watching me. I grabbed my sword and pulled it out of its sheath.

"Step forward," I ordered and then I saw a figure dressed in black walk into the low fire light. "Aaron," I breathed. I ran forward as I dropped my sword and threw my arms around him. He hugged me back.

"Alex what are you doing out here?" he asked as he stepped back.

"I could ask the same of you, but I shall assume it has to do with the mission you are on. Most likely the increase of White Cloaks and French in the ports. I guess the king is having you take care of it in the shadows while I do it in public in Court," I replied.

"You are going to France?" he asked and I nodded. "Alex please, do not go," he begged.

"I have no choice."

"You are still recovering."

"Now you sound like Christine."

"When will you return?"

"I do not know, hopefully soon, but negotiations take a long time."

"Alex, I cannot let anything happen to you."

"I shall be fine. You all act like I cannot take care of myself, like I cannot do anything."

"I know you can take care of yourself, but I can still worry about you."

"I suppose." I looked down at the ground, the next thing I know Aaron was lifting up my chin and then I felt his lips on mine. After a minute he broke it off.

"You should go back to your mission," I said barely above a whisper.

"I should," he replied before kissing me again. I could feel him lift my shirt up a bit and then I felt his warm hands around me, but too soon he broke off and when I opened my eyes he was gone.

"Nice kiss," Cecil commented from where he was laying.

"Shut up," I said as I sat back down by the fire.

"About time you two got together," he added.

"If you do not shut up I will run you through with my sword," I threatened.

"Come on, you two make a cute couple," he said and I picked up my sword and moved towards him. He put his hands up in defeat.

In the morning we got back on our horses and ride the rest of the way to the port. Cecil helped me load my things on the boat before departing. The boat ride was not an exceedingly long thing, but when we reached port I was happy. I has already changed into a deep red colored gown and my hair was in a small bun. I saw a whole entourage waiting for me, one if them being the youngest prince who was my age.

I walked up to them. "I am Alexandra Williams, I have been asked to represent my king during the negotiations."

"Welcome Lady Williams," the prince said. "I hope you will enjoy your stay here."

"I do as well, but I must confess I pray that the negotiations go quickly and smoothly so that I may return home," I replied.

"You have someone you will miss?" he asked as we walked to a carriage.

"Several," I replied. He looked at me with wide eyes. "My family and friends," I clarified.

"I see and is there someone you care about?"

"Perhaps, but I do not see how that is of your concern sire," I replied.

"Perhaps it is not," he said. What was his true intentions? My king did not tell me everything and I would have a few things to say to him when I returned. "The diplomat from Spain arrived just a few hours before you."

"A diplomat from Spain?" I asked.

"Your king did not tell you this?" he asked in return.

"No he did not," I replied. My situation just got even more dangerous.

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