"Cancerous "- You and Nicky

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You felt dead but light weight enter your arms as panic rose up inside you. You two were just in Physical Education before Nicky, your best friend went unconscious into your limbs.

He had been giving warnings that something was wrong. He had been complaining about his head aching and his back hurting.

Everyone seemed to be ignoring the signs, except you.

As you watched him go from go the nurse's office into ambulance your beat heart sped up.

Your parents came picked you up early because you were sent home for anxiety issues.

But you didn't go home. You refused to go anywhere until your daddy gave in and agreed to take you to wait in the waiting room for results on what's going to happen next with your best friend.

You cried, because nothing like this had ever happened you before.
You've always unrealistic perfect life.

You were the most popular and prettiest girl in school.

You were the smartest girl had five point O GPA average.

Nicky right behind you with a four point nine GPA average.

You were on every sport team including football.

You were theater and band.

And you still managed to make Nicky Harper your best friend.

He did everything with you.

You two laughed. You two cried.
You two had all nighters and told each other secrets.

He was always there for you when watching a horror movie.

And man, was he a good cook. He was the best cook you had ever met.

So you couldn't lose him. Not now, he's all you ever thought was really your.

You even thought you were in love with him.

But if you were is it a bad thing?


Later at three in the morning the nurse allowed people into go see him.

It was even worse than you thought. He's in ICU.

Pale, tired looking, but full of hope.

Nicky was always a big believer in God. He believed everything happened for a reason. And that he won't leave until it's time.

He was speaking just fine, but he told you that they, as in the nurses and doctors, think he has a yet to be specified spinal cancer.

And he then explain what actually happened in P.E. class.

That there are a few knots in his spine, and because his spine is connected to his neck and head a certain kind of pressure could make him faint.

Then he gets quiet. You wonder why so you ask him what's wrong.

He says he is scared for his life because he going need multiple surgery on his back.

You practically lost right there. You couldn't believe it.

What could you have done to deserve this?

Suddenly there was a mood change in Nicky. "Really? I tell you I have cancer and you wonder what you have done to deserve this?"


You suspect that you said that out loud.

You did.

Your (color of your eyes) eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! How insensitive of me. Nicky I am so sorry."

He looked annoyed.

Your parents and his parents were in the hall talking.

But you couldn't have care less if they were inside the room or not.

You climbed in bed next to Nicky.

He slowly took the tubes out of his noise. He took a breath.

He's alright for now.

He was still kind of angry so you said sorry once again.

Literally you got really close to him in the bed and said sorry.

Then you kissed him.

He kissed you back.

Sparks flew and you were your pretty sure you were never going to forget this day.

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