a normal day out

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It was a quiet day in headquarters, and everybody actually wasn't in headquarters, for once. They were all eating out, it seemed.

Hana and Lúcio were reading newspapers from when Overwatch was first brought into existence.

They got through a few, until they stopped at one.

' One of the founding members dead! ' The headline read. The year was different from when Morrison was found dead, same with Ana.

Hana grabbed it and went over to Reinhardt, asking him about it.

He seemed to freeze up at the mention of it.

" Oh! That paper! Uh..it was when they thought I was dead! " He said.

" Reinhardt! You sure? Nobody ever said anything about you being considered dead? " Hana inquired. Reinhardt just started pushing her away gently, obviously nervous.

" Because..we don't like to talk about it! Now, go finish your food, Hana!!! " He said, and she went away.

Ana rose an eyebrow, looking up at him.

" Reinhardt? What was that about? " She asked, as he looked down at her, letting out a sigh of relief.

" Oh..Hana asked about Chantèl.. " He said, Ana's eye widened.

" Oh, geez..of all days, why? " She mumbled.

" Should we tell them? " She said. Reinhardt shook his head.

" Not yet, Ana. " And then, the topic was dropped.

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Belle Chantèl was one of the founding members of Overwatch, along with Morrison, Amari, Wilhelm, and Lindholm.

She was the youngest of the five, but also quite tall for her age.

Hailing from Paris, France, she was a fashion designer before it all happened.

Some say she lost it.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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