chapter 10

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Weeks later

" remember when you asked about a back massage , and pregnancy looks like I was right " he laughed

" nigga shut up yo pull out game weak but I'm so thankful for this adorable little girl" I smiled playing with her cheeks

" actually I came in you on purpose " he said twisting his hair

" oh , I didn't care cause I did not think I would get pregnant" I said giggling then Zikeva giggled

" oh my lord you heard that " I said in awe

Mateo smiled picking her up and they disappeared some where

" oh y'all is so mean " I said flopping on the couch then they appeared next to me and Keva was sleep

I squinted my eyes " how you do that I been trying to put her hyper self to sleep " I said

He shrugged and kissed me then disappeared then reappeared but with out Keva

" Teo wheres-"

" in her baby crib chill ma damn " he said laughing

I rolled my eyes and sat in his lap laying my head on his chest

" bae when can I smash again" Teo said Rubbing my butt

" next year " I laughed

" why so longgg?"he asked still playing with my buttt

" nigga you almost broke me the first time you might actually break me " I said

He laughed " nah that was a act of ion even kno but that won't happen this time I'll be gentle " he said

" yea yea "

" Keva bad she keep scaring kei " Shawn said walking down the stairs with her he walked into the kitchen

" me and her finna watch Elmo "  Shawn said I smiled

" Teo it is so hard to believe my child his human but half spirit "

" shii ion even think you would get pregnant but I was right and you was wrong and-" Mateo sing

" shut tf up " I said

We then heard a knock on the door and Teo opened it

" nigga you didn't ask who was at the door " I said

" because I knew it was Ayo duh " Teo said

And Ayo walked in with a big pink box

" are y'all going to spoil my-"

" it takes two to make one so our child and yes we are spoiling her " Teo smiled

" no " I whine

" look I want her to have stuff but I don't want my baby to be bratty " I said then

I fainted

Ok she's having a vision of her child doing something evil in this vision Zikeva is 5 and is in kindergarten


Zikeva walked the halls hoping her bully wouldn't mess with her today

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