"Yeah?" I replied, moving forward so I could face him.

"Can we talk?" He asked, shifting uncomfortably onto his other foot and looking in every direction but mine.

"Sure." I said, a bit hesitant. My eyes glanced around us before catching an exit. "Come on."

He followed me into another room, that I soon recognised as the gangs meeting room, and we both sat down at the table.

"I'm sorry about how I spoke to you at Asher's memorial." He starts off, in a clipped and distant tone. "I thought you was dead."

"The person you knew is dead." I reply easily, relaxing into my chair as his gaze cut into my head. "What do you want, Erin?"

"I want to protect you, Princess."

"I'm not a Princess. Don't bother with the formality." I brushed off quickly, internally begging that no one heard him.

"Frankly Miss Kensley, you're the Princess by birthright. And it is my duty to protect and respect you as my father did to yours." He spoke calmly, not reacting at the mention of our parents.

Sadly, the same couldn't be said for me.

I tensed up, visibly swallowing.

"Our parents are dead, Erin. And my name is Astrid." I say forcefully.

He nods in understanding, "Was Rio correct when he said it occurred by your hands?"

I signed, "No, I didn't intentionally murder my parents. They were poisoned and I ended their suffering."

He nodded, "I didn't think you would've. You cared too much about them. Yet I didn't even recognize you when you showed up here."

"I guess living does that to you." I reply bitterly, silently drawing a pattern onto the table.

"There's still lots of good in the world." He quoted, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Johnny Cage? Huh?" I shook my head, "The world's fucked up, there's no escaping that."

"Why don't you tell them who you are?" He questions, "Becca wouldn't question you if she knew."

"Why haven't you?" I shot back, "Your Dad was my Dad best friend, his sole protector. It's not as if they wouldn't know who you are."

He dodges the question.

"Everyone thinks you're dead, or captive. Imagine the revolution you could start by showing you're still here." He argues, "You're the daughter of a King. You're the Lost Princess. Why wouldn't you want that title back?"

"Because that isn't me!" I raise my voice, my eyes begging him to drop it. "She died! The moment she killed my Mom and Dad, Ingrid died and I was born. I've got a target on my back, telling people who I am would only put one on theirs."

"Every single person in this place would fight for you."

"No, every single person in this place would die because of me. And I won't let that happen."

He leaned back in his chair, studying me. "I'm honestly curious as of what is going to get you killed first: Your loyalty or your stubbornness?"

"Well it was loyalty that killed our parents, and stubbornness which made me survive." I inform him stiffly, "I don't see why you're trying to argue with me. You see everyday what they did to you," I gesture to his scars, not paying attention as he flinched back. "They did that to my best friend. Imagine what they'd do to me."

"They wouldn't torture you, not like me." He says softly.

"Maybe not physically, but you know what Tyler wanted me for. Even I know." I speak in a monotone, not allowing even a drop of emotion to leak into my tone. He seems taken aback.

"A child."

"Don't say it." I demand, breathing out deeply. "I'd rather die by his hands than be his prisoner."

"Who did that to your neck, Astrid?" He asks, leaning across the table and reaching out to brush his fingers along the scar.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I shake my head, moving my gaze away from him.

"Try me." He stands up, moving to sit in the chair next to him. He moves himself closer until I can feel his warm breath on my cheek.

"Lily." I breathe out.


"Rogue's men stormed the Palace, a bunch of them held me down as I screamed and cried. Thunder told Lily to cut me, so she did."

"I thought Lily died." He replies, confused.

"That was after. They got distracted so I ran, she found me and apologized. I offered her some of the food my Mom and Dad ate. She took it, not knowing it was poisoned. Thunder found me with her, he was so upset and so angry that he didn't notice me run." I admit quietly, not reacting as Erin wraps his arms around me. "I don't care how close you are with these people, Erin, in the end your friends always let you down. The only thing you can depend on is family."

Taylor let me down.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe that." He disagrees, his voice coming out soft. "You loved your family more than anything and you lost them. Now it's time to avenge them. It's time to make the Rebels suffer for what they've done."

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