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This story is a request that two of my best friends from school asked me to do. Lets go on to the story now. Hope you enjoy!

This is a wonderful story about two princess's and two prince's, a witch and a dragon. There was a village with people that were always happy. There was castle walls and behind those walls was a castle, the most beautiful castle you had ever layed your eyes on.

The village and castle was ruled by very beautiful Queen Layla and King John. The Queen was expecting a baby and so it came. 3 months later, a beautiful baby princess was born. When the first baby was born, the Queen had a second child just as beautiful as the first.

"They're girls!" the doctor said. The King and Queen were blessed with the babies in front of them. "Kristin and Julie." The King said gently carrying his baby girls in each hand. "Our baby girls." the Queen added.

The King looked at his wife and gave the babies to her. He then kissed her forehead. The doctor let Queen Layla hold her children for nearly 10 minutes and took them into the nursery. Before the doctor took them, the Queen gave them necklaces. Afterwards, the nurse was smiling super wide as she gave the Queen a drink of tea.

"I'm sorry your majesty but the Queen needs to rest after this long day. You have to go." the nurse came in saying politely. "I love you Jhon. See you later I suppose?" The Queen said smiling. King Jhon nodded and walked over to his wife.

He planted a soft kiss on his wife's lips and forehead. "Goodnight my love." The King said. He walked out and went to his bedroom. He changed into his night robe and crawled into bed missing his wife.

He looked to his side and saw his book he was reading. He picked it up and started reading it. "I can't read anymore. I have had enough for tonight." he said putting the bookmark in his book to keep his place.

He set the book down and turned off the lights. Later on in the night, the doctor heard strange noises coming from the room the Queen was in. The doctor got up out of bed and walked into the room the Queen was in.

He opened the door seeing the Queen shaking rapidly and her eyes fully white. He ran over to her and called the nurse. The nurse ran into room and saw the Queen. "Oh my gosh!!!" She said happy but pretending to be scared and sad. "Sound the emergency bells! Hurry!" the doctor shouted.

The nurse did as she was told and the King was awaken from his sleep. Knowing the bells were ringing because something happened, he ran full speed to the room his wife was in knocking over objects in the hallway, breaking expensive vases and statue's, bumping into walls, and knocking people over.

He slammed the door open and saw his wife. He ran over to his wife, crying and mad. "Help her!" he shouted. The doctor did everything he could. Within the next minute or so, the Queen stopped shaking and her eyelids shut closed.

The doctor checked her heartbeat and it stopped. He put down his stethoscope. "I'm sorry your majesty. She's gone. I did all I could." the doctor mumbled.

"What did you say!?" the King shouted loud enough that the whole kingdom could hear him. "She's dead." the doctor repeated louder.

The King let go of his wife's hand and walked over to the doctor, his face as red as a tomato and tears rollings down his cheek. The doctor looked down at the ground as the King came closer.

The King grabbed the doctor by his neck and slammed him on the wall, still holding on his neck with a tight grip. "I will make you shake more than you allowed my wife to before she died until every last part of your body stops and your dead!" the King said.

And the King did just that. The nurse fell on the floor feeling the urge to laugh her happy heart out but pretended to cry and at the same time tried to catch her breath. The doctor stopped moving after a while and the King couldn't feel a heartbeat in his neck anymore. He let go and the doctor dropped to the floor dead. The King walked over to the nurse who was on the floor.

"I am going to spare you because you now know how I feel. My wife is gone and now your husband is to." he said.

The King walked over to his wife crying. He held onto her tightly, crying all night. The next day, the King, his daughter's, the nurse, and everyone in the village attended the Queen and doctor's funeral. The kingdom was now filled with sadness for the next 15 years.

One Girl's DreamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora