It's getting happier, I swear-

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I guess this is an alternate ending for after John forgot Vriska, but this John arrived after the John that forgot her.



You stand outside a white hive that tugs at the edges of a memory frayed by death. You can vaguely recall seeing it before, you're sure you used to spend a lot of time looking at it for whatever reason. Perhaps you were friends with whoever lived there. A light is turned on inside, barely casting a glow on the snow around you. Light, like the symbol on your long unmoving chest. It had never been a comfort to you, the Alternian sun being powerful enough to burn your skin. The light only adds to your discomfort. The house is quiet.

A few seconds later (eight, to be exact, you'd always had a thing for that number), you walk closer. A shadow moves to stand in front of the window, before gliding away, leaving you with a wave of something indescribable and a weight on your chest. You suddenly remember who lives here. The flakes of this human snow begin to feel like they're burning your skin and you wish you were somewhere else. You'd never liked anything cold, being a highblood meant it was harder for you to stay warm. Of course, you'd never let it show. You had had enough people talking about you behind your back as it was, showing weakness would've only added to them. Though none of them had a childhood quite like yours to make them the way you are. Were. Not that you cared as much now, being dead. Death changed your perspective on a lot things.

The door to the hive, a "house" you vaguely remember someone calling it, opens and someone walks out. John walks out, carrying a jacket like he had the last time you met a John here. That other John being long gone. Maybe you'd have more luck with this one. Weren't light players supposed to deal with luck? It didn't seem like that lately.

By the time you've broken out of your thoughts, he's smiling down at you. You just want to fly away, why couldn't he go back to being shorter than you? Everything seems to remind you of your death today. His blank white eyes look at you with concern and his mouth moves, but you don't register what he says. He wraps the jacket around your shoulders.

"Hey, John." His face slackens in surprise.

"You know me?" The weight on your chest doubles, triples, quadruples. Forgotten, yet again. You're ready to melt into the ground, but he continues speaking. "That's so cool! I never thought I'd get to meet an alien- you don't mind me calling you that, do you?- least of all one who knows me." His face is practically glowing and now you can't help but grin at him. Seems like every John is as adorable as the next. You wonder if every John also has a knack for forgetting you.

"I'm a troll, but alien works too." He nods slowly, recognition finally dawning on his face. He takes in the colour of your make up and goes quiet as he thinks.

"You're Vriska, right?" From just the sound of him saying your name you're ready to sink into the ground again. God, you've become such an emotional wreck, but one last run of hiding it wouldn't hurt.

"Well who else types in my blood colour?" You smirk up at him and put your hands on your hips.

"Well then, Vriska, as a troll you must be lost on Earth, so I should show you around." His grin is back so you decide not to tell him you've been wandering around these streets for sweeps and nod in agreement.

"Sounds perfect, thanks, Egbert." John links an arm with yours and you begin to walk.

It takes him under eight minutes to realise that you aren't listening to the tales of his childhood and suggest that you sit down somewhere. There's snow everywhere, but you take off his jacket, lay down and spread out your wings, then gesture for him to lay on one. He looks horrified and suggests that he could put his jacket down, but you put an end to that by reminding him that you have his jacket and- unless he's going to take his shirt off- he best just lay down. John reluctantly lays down and it pinches a little, but it's worth it. You drape his jacket over the both of you, then you're both quiet.

It takes a while to work up the confidence to break the silence, but you both have all the time in the world. No need for sleep or food or water. You turn your head to look at him.

"John." He looks at you curiously.

"Yeah?" There goes that confidence. When you began caring so much about one person's opinion is unbeknown to you.

"Do you remember me now?" At the word 'remember' he stiffens. You begin to slightly panic. The seconds it takes for him do anything feel like hours and the panic grows, before he suddenly reaches over and hugs you.

"I remember enough, Vris." You quickly hug him back, the strong Vriska well and truly gone. The pressure of growing up to be like the notorious Mindfang had always been too much. Plus weak trolls never survived. Fortunately that wasn't the case with humans; you knew John wasn't about to put a knife through your back.

He gently strokes your back and you feel comfort that you haven't felt in sweeps. You shuffle closer towards him and snuggle into his side, moving your other wing to cover you both from the falling snow. You'd be fine with staying like this for a while, forever even. You both have that amount of time, your blank eyes as evidence of that, but you don't feel like ruining the moment to ask him if he'd like to, so you just rest your head on his chest. Everything is quiet again, but this time you wouldn't have it any other way.

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