Dreams are Sweet

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As Esther returned to the ruins of the small village, the Beastiari set off for Elvendar at around dawn. Esther claimed the village was protesting against the Legions, and some fights were breaking out. This enticed the Beastiari onwards.

After many, many hours walking through the forest, they finally reached the town of Gaul, a town inhabited by the Argonians primarily. Esther claimed to have come from here, but Cuthbert had his doubts about that. They skipped through the town, only stopping to purchase some food with the gold they brought. At one point, as they rested by a river, Esther came back from an 'errand' she had to run for someone. She had a bag of gold in her hand and was tossing it about.

"Where did you get that?" Asked Cuthbert in a fashion so that he made it obvious Esther had stolen it.

"I was given it kindly by the person who wanted me to run their errand. Just delivering some letters."

"Let's hope they're not bleedin' death threats."

Hours later, dusk settled on the Beastiari and they slept through the night. Alnar had a strange dream.

"Is he awake?"

"No, he is asleep. Don't disturb him. He has done nothing to us, so he shall remain in his slumber for eternity."

"So be it."

"Come, let us find the book. This place is a mess, so we are best to get started."

"What do you plan to do with the book, master?"

"I plan to control all the Myths of Legends, that is those creatures and beings in this book, and conquer Elsweyr, then Tamriel. It will be a breeze with this, providing Sheogorath doesn't intervene abruptly again."

Another voice joins in, "Hey! You shouldn't be in here!"

"No matter. Shall I send him to sleep, master?"

"Yes, put him down."

Alnar awoke with sweat dripping down his face and arms. He was extremely hot in this robes, but let them on. He opened his eyes to see everyone else sitting up, awake, sweat running down them.

"Did everyone see that..?" Salnar asked.

"If it was Jyggalag in the Library..." Cuthbert answered with fear, as though the mention of Jyggalag's name would bring him onto them.

"Then, yes," added Alnar with a spike of hatred and fear. That raid on the Great Library was Jyggalag, not some feeble bandits after all. "We need to get going before anything worse happens."

And with that, they gathered their things and set off in a hurried walk which soon broke into a light run.

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