"But I wanted to." Yugyeom retorted with that cute smile of his and walked over to you. He leaned down and pecked you on the lips, you smiled into the kiss. Sadly it didn't last long. "So, what do you wanna do first?"

Your eyes lit up at the question. What to do....go to the pool? Spa? Arcade? You thought to yourself. Checking the time it was around six in the evening. Perfect time for what you wanted to do.

"Bowling!" You shouted, jumping up from the bed excitedly. Yugyeom laughed before nodding for you to come with him.

The two of you walked down the lobby and different hallways together. Going up and down on elevators until reaching the bowling alley. You intertwined your fingers with his, immediately responding he squeezed your hand a little.

"You're going down!" You admitted confidently, Yugyeom rolled his eyes playfully.

"As if." He scoffed jokingly leading me to get our bowling shoes.

A few minutes had passed and you both were ready to get on with bowling. The only lights on were black lights causing cool neon colors to cascade down the lanes. There were four balls ready to go.

"Alright, according to the screen you go first." You addressed to Yugyeom who smiled and nodded. Slowly making his way over to pick up a ball.

Swiftly he walked up towards the lane, swung his arm back, and flung it back forward releasing the ball just in time. Watching carefully the ball slowly made its way to the side rolling right into the gutter.

You broke down laughing, Yugyeom looking ashamed as he glumly walked over to take another ball for his second chance.

"Don't mess up Gyeom." You teased sticking your tongue out at Yugyeom right as he let go of the ball for his second turn.

Turning around he grunted and walked over to you with a frustrated smile as he only hit two pins. Once in front of you he held his hands in front of himself as if to say 'I-want-to-strangle-you' though knowing he couldn't Yugyeom brushed his hand against your cheek softly and pushed your hair behind your ear. You melted into his touch as he pulled you into him. Because of the fact you were sitting and Yugyeom was standing your head rested against his lower side.

A few quick seconds passed and you hoisted yourself out of the seat. "Don't mess up~" Your beloved said tauntingly while you rolled your eyes in a joking manner.

Picking up a ball you got in position standing right before the lane. Taking a breath in, you took a few steps and bent down pulling your arm back and pushing it back forward letting the ball go.

Intently watching the ball you jumped in joy as you knocked over nine pins. Turning around you gave Yugyeom the peace sign. "Haha!" You laughed teasingly.


After both of you finished the game it was decided to head back towards the room you guys were staying at.

Entering the room you sighed in relief and was about to turn around to face your boyfriend but he already embraced you from behind. You screeched a little in surprise which led to small giggles.

Yugyeom released you after a minute and went to check his notifications. Setting your phone down you walked over to the mini fridge and looked inside to see what kinds of wine there was. You reached in and pulled out a fancy looking red wine. Popping the cork open Yugyeom jumped slightly causing you to laugh. The black haired man stared at you with his cheeky smile.

"Sorry." You apologized while laughing. Pouring the wine into one of the champagne glasses Yugyeom walked over to you.

"Ah, you shouldn't be drinking underage." He advised worriedly but you shrugged. Not planning on getting drunk anyway. Yugyeom ended up pouring himself a glass as well.

"Speak of yourself." You retorted while clinging glasses with Yugyeom and taking a sip. It was pretty strong for wine. "Wow..." You said with a small cough. Yugyeom laughing at your reaction from the alcohol.

You grabbed the wine bottle and started walking towards the balcony beckoning for your love to come along. You had set the bottle on a table outside and your glass on the railing of the balcony. Yugyeom doing the same.

"So what do you think the others are up to?" You asked while looking up at the moon, cliché.

"I don't even wanna think about it (Y/N)." He said making you laugh. You took another sip of your drink, finishing the glass of wine you once had.

"Oh my gosh! Remember the time we were out in public and some crazy mob chased us down the road~?" You asked, slurring slightly. The wine bottle was pretty much empty. No you weren't drunk, but not sober either. Tipsy most likely. Yugyeom on the other hand was perfectly fine. Well almost. The alcohol had made him a little off but not much. He nodded in response to your question, laughing afterwards.

"It's time to cut you off now." Yugyeom said taking the beverages away and cleaning up a little. "I should've a long time ago." He sighed a little disappointed in himself.

You smiled at him, it was cute watching him actually take responsibility.

It was around midnight and you and Yugyeom headed inside for the night. He interlocked his fingers with yours and spun you to face him. Pecking your lips lightly Yugyeom began smothering you with soft kisses all over your face and neck causing you to erupt in laughter. The small pecks tickling.

"Happy seven months, baby~" He cooed in that pure, innocent voice of his. You grinned and gave him a small kiss on the lips before deciding to change and get ready for bed.

You climbed in bed next to Yugyeom after turning the lights out who had his arm outstretched for you to lay on. Obviously accepting. As you lay down you turn on your side so that his arm wraps around your back. You moved your head on his chest and your hand on his stomach. Listening to Yugyeom's calm breathing, feeling his chest rise and fall.

"Happy seven months, love~" You finally responded back smiling slightly, reaching across his stomach and interlocking your fingers with his leaving your arm to rest on him. "I love you..."

There was a long second and your eyes started getting drowsier by the second. You closed your eyes and started slipping out of consciousness.

"I love you too...." You heard a barely audible voice say. Falling asleep to the soft, calming strokes given through your hair by the love of your life.


Hello lovelies! Sorry for the late update! So I really, really hope you enjoyed this chapter cause I had fun writing it! The fluff ahhhh!! Sorry for any errors made, I will eventually (hopefully) edit and correct them! (Probably not)
If you have any ideas then feel free to suggest in the comments! I'll tag you if I end up writing the one you suggested! It can be sad, happy...shook ;))
Also comment and let me know if I should make longer chapters like these!
Thanks for reading!



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