I Need This

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You had arrived back at the hotel in tears with Yugyeom by your side. He's always been there for you.

Not being able to stand any longer you slid down against the wall with your hands covering your tear stained face. Yugyeom looked back and hurriedly got to your side, he sat on the floor next to you and immediately pulled you into him.

You sobbed silently into Yugyeom's shirt as his grip tightened while softy shushing you.

"Shhh, (Y/N) calm down. I'm here." He soothed, after repeating several similar things you had finally calmed down a little more. Yugyeom still sat there running his hands through your hair. It pained him to see you in this state.

You found the guy you've been in a relationship with for three years sleeping with another woman. It seems that's always the case these days.

Yugyeom has always had feelings for you, but he didn't dare interfere with your relationship life. He didn't want to hurt you or make anything more difficult then it already may be.

It's been around ten minutes and you've completely stopped crying. Looking up you met eyes with Yugyeom who gave you a soft, reassuring smile. Your faces were only inches apart.

Next thing you know, your lips are softly planted on his. At first there was no response but he easily melted into the kiss. However pulled away quickly.

"This isn't right. You aren't yourself right now." Yugyeom pointed out while caressing your cheek. He had a sad look in his eyes. You shook your head softly and stood up, Yugyeom as well. You looked down at the floor.

There was a moment of silence before you averted your eyes back up. "Honestly, I need this."

He stared at you for a long second before suddenly crashing his lips onto yours. It was harsh and deep, yet loving and kind. It was passionate, full of lust and need.

It was obvious this would turn into much more than a kiss.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and ran your hand through his hair slightly tugging. In response, Yugyeom put his hands on your waist and pulled you into him. He bit your lip causing a wincing sound to come from you. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and began to explore.

The both of you had a full on tongue war, but of course Yugyeom won. He locked the door and pushed you against the wall in which you yelped. Yugyeom began to trail kisses down your neck and to your collarbone leaving small red and purple marks along the way. You moaned in pleasure while your fingers still tangled with his hair.

Unfortunately your legs began to feel weak but Yugyeom supported you. He picked you up and walked over to the bed, laying you down. He crawled on top of you while smiling. You smiled back. Once again his lips were connected to yours.

Setting your hands on the hems of his shirt, you started to pull up notifying Yugyeom to take his damn shirt off. Doing so you stared at his nicely toned stomach. He didn't have a full on six pack but he definitely had some of it. You trailed your hands down his chest and back up around his neck.

The kiss was released, a string of salvia still connected.

The both of you breathed heavily, you closed your eyes as Yugyeom began to trail his tongue from your collarbone to your ear, he nibbled lightly. You moaned again, a pleasurable sensation taking over. You kept running your hands through his hair wishing you could get closer to him, as if it was even possible.

Yugyeom brought his tongue back to your neck and started sucking.

"Ah-" You moaned once more, your down area already feeling wet. It was obvious he had caused it. You bit your lip trying to suppress any noise that may escape. A small trail of blood leaked from your lip.

Taking notice Yugyeom went towards your lip and kissed you. Sucking the blood off, he licked your bottom lip and immediately you responded letting him in.

Once again he explored your mouth and started sucking on your tongue. It felt so sensational, you didn't want it to end.

Your shirt wound up coming off along with your jeans. Leaving you with only your laced bra and underwear. Yugyeom ran his hand up your leg smoothly and into your inner thigh.

"Y-Yugyeom~" You managed to croak out, too focused on this amazing feeling he was giving you. It truly felt like heaven. All your worries disappeared and you just wanted him, him and him alone.

You could feel his hardened member against your leg and it made you smirk. Only for him to smirk back and slide his hand down to your inner thigh once more. Moving his hand closer until it reached your clit, he started rubbing slowly causing you to groan.

Kissing once more, you started to undo the button of his pants. Fucking skinny jeans. You thought annoyed, though they did make his legs look hella good.

Every piece of clothing ended up on the floor except your undergarments. For now at least.

You were both mid kiss when there was a knock at the door. Both of you jumped. "Shit!" You cursed in a quiet yell. Both of you jumped off the bed and began to dress yourselves.

After a minute you went to the door with Yugyeom by your side. Opening it you came face to face with your friend.

"Hey (Y/N) w-" she cut her sentence off and stared at us. Yugyeom and I exchanged confused glances. "Never mind it can wait. Have fun you two!" She smirked causing your face to flush.

Closing the door the both of you started walking back over towards the bed to sit down. However you both stopped on your tracks when realizing your appearances in the mirror. You and Yugyeom had extremely messy hair and it just seemed you grabbed the wrong shirt.

Turning around you saw Yugyeom sitting on the bed with that bright smile. Smiling back you sat on the bed next to him and put your feet over his thighs, wrapping your arms around his neck. He put his arm across your mid back as to balance you. Yugyeom looked at you before smirking.

"So where were we?"


Hey lovelies! Holy shit I'm cringing so hard rn this is terrible haha, I've never written a smut before so yeah. I know it wasn't that hardcore because that's for later😉 I didn't want it to be too intense the first time y'know? Hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for reading!



Yugyeom Imagines + SmutsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang