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Everyone in my town is the same, except me. Everyone says I was my parents mistake, they never meant to have me. I have no siblings, I guess that's what I get for being annoying my whole life. I'm extremely clumsy in case you're wondering, I guess I never learnt how to walk properly. Not just that, but I also happen to be energetic, those two traits do not go well together, trust me. I have broken over seven bones and often land up in a hospital, it's practically my second home and the nurses and I are on a first - name basis.

I guess I should describe myself, I have extremely pale skin, big, green eyes, fawn coloured hair, a small nose with the perfect shape and a round face. Everyone else in my town has brown eyes, black hair and slim faces. There are 101 people in our town, I was the last child ever born, I was the mistake of the town, never supposed to be born, never supposed to have life,  never to have been conceived, but it happened and I changed the towns expectations of an equal amount of 50 men and 50 women, except now there are 50 men and 51 women.

Everyday is the same, wake up, shower, eat breakfast, look in the mirror,  ask myself why is it that I stay in this stupid town and go to my friends house, Anna. She's the same in apearences to everyone else, except she has a heart, a really good one too, at that. She too is in the out crowd,  but that's only because she's friends with me, the only mistake, or Tom, as everyone calls me.

I'm 17, turning 18 in a few days. In my town, when your 18 your life is your own and your parents can't take control of you, which really helps me, because I think it would be really good to run away, I've been planning this since I turned 15, in 4 days, I'm running away and never looking back.

It's my 18th birthday, the day I run away from home. God, I can't wait to leave. My bags are already packed and my goodbye note has already been written, within it I explained what I needed to.

Dear Family,
I need to run away, I feel unwelcome here and I know that I was this towns only mistake, I am truly sorry that you have had to put up with the burden that is me for 18 years. I will never come back.

Mother, last night I heard you and father talking, I know that I am destined to die, we all are, but I don't understand why I have been born with magic or that I will find 'the one' according to everyone else,  I will never be loved, but thank you for the faith of love for me.

If you look at my room, you will see the bed has been broken the flowers have been overgrown and my bookcase has been burnt, I guess you were right when you said I had powers, oops.

Father, I love you so much and as much as it pains me to say, I know that leaving is for the best.

Goodbye family,

P.s. tell Anna I'm sorry.

And with that I was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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